Chapter Four Guidelines for Exercise Exercise is to the body as reading is to the mind. G. Legman
Objectives zWhat should you consider when beginning an exercise program? zWhat clothing considerations should be made for an exercise program? zWhat precautions should be taken when exercising in hot weather? In cold weather? zWhat are the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke?
Objectives zWhat other safety factors should you consider when you exercise? zHow do you maintain a proper fluid balance during physical activity? zWhat are the steps in warming-up and cooling- down? zWhat injuries could you encounter when beginning an exercise program?
Chapter 4 Value Initiating a sound personal fitness program requires considerable information. The information in this chapter provides guidelines that will help you establish a safe and appropriate personal fitness program. Being knowledgeable about heat illnesses, for example, is crucial for individuals living in hot climates. The importance of an adequate amount of water is another topic that should be thoroughly understood.
Vocabulary an increase in body temperature with a reduction of body fluids heat-related problem in which certain muscles contract involuntarily and cause pain condition characterized by profuse sweating, dizziness, and extreme weakness medical emergency characterized by hot, dry skin and a rising body temperature excessive decline in body temperature hyperthermia — heat cramps — heat exhaustion — heat stroke — hypothermia —
Vocabulary a 10- to 15-minute period during which the body is prepared for vigorous exercise a 10- to 15-minute period of mild exercise following vigorous exercise that allows the body and heart rate to return to normal an inflammation of the membrane on the front of the bones in the lower leg a large muscle in the upper abdomen sharp pain in the side just under the ribs warm-up — cool-down — shin splint — diaphragm — stitch-in-the-side —
Getting Started zConsider current Health Status yMedical history yPresent health yPrevious involvement in physical activity zConsider need for medical exam zConduct fitness evaluation zSet goals Objective Answer
What to Wear zComfortable, supportive shoes zGood fitting socks zLight-colored shirts in breathable materials zLoose shorts Objective Answer
Exercising in Hot Weather zExercise with caution to avoid heat illnesses zHyperthermia — reduction in body fluids or an increase in body temperature Vocabulary Objective 1 of 5
Heat Illnesses zHeat cramps — least severe zHeat exhaustion — medium severity zHeat stroke — serious emergency situation Vocabulary
Heat Cramps zThirst zChills zClammy skin zThrobbing heartbeat zNausea
Heat Exhaustion zProfuse sweating zDizziness zHeadache zShortness of breath zWeak and rapid pulse zLack of saliva zExtreme fatigue 1 of 2 Objective
Heat Stroke zLack of sweat zDry, hot skin zLack of urine zHallucinations zExcessively high body temperature zVisual disturbances zAggression zUnsteady walking zDeafness CALL of 2 Objective
Preventing Heat Illnesses zWear light-colored, lightweight clothes. zDo not wear rubberized suits. zDrink fluids often. zWear a hat. 2 of 5 Objective
Preventing Heat Illnesses zDo not use salt tablets zExercise in a water environment or early/late in the day zWatch for signs and get help 3 of 5 Objective
Exercising in Cold Weather zCan lead to hypothermia and frostbite zIncrease warm-up time zStart slower zDon’t expect to work at as high a level as normal Vocabulary 4 of 5 Objective
Precautions in Cold Weather zWear thermal under- and outerwear zWear gloves, face masks, hats zLayer clothing zDon’t overdress zWear water-resistant outerwear 5 of 5 Objective
Other Safety Precautions zAvoid exercise when you are ill or injured. zStart back slowly. zEat light meals before exercising. zAvoid highly polluted areas. zRespect dogs’ territory. zExercise in groups. Objective
Warming Up zLast 10 to 15 minutes zPrepares the body for action Vocabulary
Benefits of Warming Up zMentally focus your effort and promote movement. zIncrease heart rate and blood supply to muscles.
How to Warm Up zGeneral Stage 1 - large muscle groups zGeneral Stage 2 - static stretching zSpecific to the activity planned Objective 1 of 2
Cooling Down zLast 10 to 15 minutes zAllows body to return to normal Vocabulary
Benefits of Cooling Down zPrevents blood from pooling in muscles zPrevents muscle soreness
How to Cool Down zPhase 1 - light activity zPhase 2 - stretching zMay add sit-ups Objective 2 of 2
Common Injuries zMuscle soreness ylight massage, easy stretching, mild exercise zBlisters ygauze padding or foam discs zShin splints yrest, ice packs, taping, elevate legs Vocabulary Objective 1 of 2
Common Injuries zStitch-in-the-side (diaphragm) yapply pressure, stretch to opposite side, deep breaths zSprained ankle ystop activity, ice, elevate, immobilize Vocabulary Objective 2 of 2
Summary zProper clothing zHot and cold weather precautions zHot and cold weather illnesses zSafety precautions zWarm-up zCool-down zCommon injuries