Unit 1 Mr Farmer
Starter Go to Google and search for –ST JAMES ICT Click the top link Click Year 9 Unit 1 – yr9 –Scroll down to Lesson 2 starter and click the links
Learning Flow Chart AO1 Task 1 Protect Health Health & Safety Quiz AO1 Task 2 Physical Safety AO1 Task 3 Protect files From loss AO1 Task 4 & 5 Unauthorised Access Graphics Quiz
Objective Explain with examples (more than 1) how to protect health when working with ICT in a business environment. You must include the potential danger to health in your explanation.
Criteria PASS CRITERIAMERIT CRITERIADISTINCTION CRITERIA Candidates will explain, with examples, some safe working practices when using ICT in a business environment. Their explanations will include the potential danger that each measure is designed to address. Explanations will include: Candidates will explain, with examples, a range of safe working practices when using ICT in a business environment. Their explanations will include the potential danger that each measure is designed to address. Explanations will include: Candidates will explain fully, with examples, a wide range of safe working practices when using ICT in a business environment. Their explanations will include the potential danger that each measure is designed to address. Explanations will include: at least one measure to protect health, measures to protect healthmeasures to protect health,
Unit 1 AO1 Open your Unit 1 AO1 Template from last lesson. You should have already completed Task 1 Tell me 3 dangers to health when working with ICT? Tell me 3 solutions to health when working with ICT?
Task 2 Explain with examples (more than 1) how to protect physical safety when working with ICT in a business environment????
Task 3 Explain with examples (more than 1) how to protect files from loss when working with ICT in a business environment???
Task 4 & 5 unauthorised & modificationExplain with examples how to protect files from unauthorised & modification access when working with ICT in a business environment???
Plenary Go to Google and search for –ST JAMES ICT Click the top link Click Year 9 Unit 1 – yr9 –Scroll down to Lesson 2 Plenary and click the links