23 July 2010FLNR Dubna Summer Students Practice Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR, Dubna 2010 JINR, Dubna 2010 Studies with radioactive ion.


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Presentation transcript:

23 July 2010FLNR Dubna Summer Students Practice Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR, Dubna 2010 JINR, Dubna 2010 Studies with radioactive ion beams at fragment separators

23 July 2010FLNR Dubna student: Maciej Mikulski (UJ) and his supervisor: dr Grzegorz Kaminski

23 July 2010FLNR Dubna Main goals: learn how to produce Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) get practical knoweledge about neutron detectors make friendship with Lise identify nuclei from experimental data get familiar with object of experiments at in-flight separator

23 July 2010FLNR Dubna the Acculinna Group is studying the properities and the structure of lightest nuclei

23 July 2010FLNR Dubna cocktail of isotopes beams: a few teens of MeV-GeV very short living nuclei > 1  s beams: keV-GeV time of life limitation > 0.1 s pure beams Two main methods of producing exotic beans: Isotope Separation On-Line (ISOL) In Flight

23 July 2010FLNR Dubna thin target primary beam E ~ a few teens MeV/A TOF – Time Of Flight B  - magnetic rigidity B – vector of magnetic field  - radius of particle trajectory degrader dE – energy losses startstop detectors B  1 < B  2 <B  3 B  1 < B  2 < B  3 B1B1B1B1 B2B2B2B2 B3B3B3B3 In-flight example

Measurements on 11 B 32.9AMeV

Measurement method ~0.13% dp/p 11 B 33 AMeV 9 Be (14 mg/cm 2 ) 27 Al (17 mg/cm 2 ) 197 Au (9 mg/cm 2 ) beam Si 300  m 16x16 strips Si 1mm 16x16 strips CsI/PD 4 units two sytmetrical magnetic sections: dispersive&achromatic a slit instaled in dispersive focal plane to increase the momentum resolution

Magnetic field scanning

experimental data simulations from Lise++ this let us identify nuclei

23 July 2010FLNR Dubna

23 July 2010FLNR Dubna Velocity distributions: DIC & DIRECTcomponents Each of this components relates to diffrent reaction mechanism.

Measurements on 32 S 50.3AMeV

32 50 AMeV 9 Be, 500  m Wedge 9 Be, 500  m & momentum slit Plastic scintilator & momentum slit Beam of isotopes at B  close to 26 S detectors

ΔE-ToF identification plots for the cases of separator tuning on 27 S (a) and 26 S (b) Measurements on 32 S 50.3AMeV No events of 26 S and 25 P !!! Time of flight (TOF) of 26 S too long Not optimal configuration target & wedge thickness – too thick

Measurements on 32 S 50.3AMeV Practice goal: find better configuration of target&wedge for new measurements on 32 S beam – a compromise between 26 S energy (TOF), target and wedge thickness and data acquisition dead time wedge 100μm wedge 200μm wedge 300μm wedge 500μm

neutron detectors

23 July 2010FLNR Dubna voltage divider photomultiplier stilbene cristal neutron detector

23 July 2010FLNR Dubna 5 H 8 He 10 He 11 Li 14 Be neutron multi detector of 64 modules is beeing constructed, now we have 32 stibene crystals  80 x 50 mm 3

23 July 2010FLNR Dubna each of us mounted a few modules

special thanks to my always friendly and patient supervisor 23 July 2010FLNR Dubna and to hard-working and ready to help organizators of this practise