Agenda Reporting Work on Assignment 4!
Printing on power systems
Program/ Command Data Report Layout (Printer File) Job Output Queue *FILE Spooled File
Printing Reports with COBOL
A Good Report… Heading (a meaningful report name) –Date and Page Number Column Headings (to identify data) Order column from left to right to highlight significant data Edit numbers for readability Include Totals at end of report and groups of items ** To identify the ‘level’ of a total Clearly indicate the end of the report.
Customer Accounts How Many Record Formats? Customer Accounts Date: Page: 999 Date Amount Customer: 1015 Cindy Laurin $ $ $ * Totals: 1015 Cindy Laurin $ Customer: 1016 Bruce Nugent $ * Totals: 1016 Bruce Nugent$ ** Totals: All Customers $ *** End of Report
How Many Record Formats? HeadingCustomer Accounts Date: Page: 999 Column Heading Date Amount Customer Heading Customer: 1015 Cindy Laurin Detail Line $ Detail Line $ Detail Line $ Customer Total* Totals: 1015 Cindy Laurin $ Customer Heading Customer: 1016 Bruce Nugent Detail Line $ Customer Total * Totals: 1016 Bruce Nugent$ Report Total ** Totals: All Customers $ End of Report *** End of Report
Record Formats Each Record format is defined using it’s own Group-Item in the Working Storage Section. Record format name is defined using the 01 level Fields and literals are defined using subsequent levels with Picture & Values Clauses
Picture Clause Review Define Variables Define how Variables are displayed
Editing Functions FunctionCharacter Printing of a / as a separator/ Printing of Decimal Point in an integer. Suppress Leading Zeros in an integerZ Print a Dollar Sign in front of an integer$ Print a Comma in an integer, Printing of + or – signs+ or - Printing of ‘Debit’ or ‘Credit’ symbolsDB or CR Printing of Spaces as separatorsB Printing of Zeros as separators0 Print Leading asterix*
Examples Trans-Amount PIC S9(6)V999 Value Report-ItemEdited Results PIC 9(6)V999 PIC $999999V999 PIC $ZZZ,ZZZ.99 PIC $ZZZ,ZZZ.9
Examples Trans-Amount PIC S9(6)V999 Value Report-ItemEdited Results PIC $ZZZ,ZZZ.99- PIC $ZZZ,ZZZ.99CR PIC $ZZZZZZB99 PIC $ZZZZZZ.99+
Examples Trans-Amount PIC S9(6)V999 Value Report-ItemEdited Results PIC 9(6)V999 PIC $999999V999 PIC $ZZZ,ZZZ.99 PIC $ZZZ,ZZZ.9
Examples Trans-Amount PIC S9(6)V999 Value Report-ItemEdited Results PIC $ZZZ,ZZZ.99- PIC $ZZZ,ZZZ.99CR PIC $ZZZZZZB99 PIC $ZZZZZZ.99+
Examples Customer Name PIC X(20) Value ‘Cindy Laurin-Moogk’ Report Item PIC X(20) PIC XXXXXXXXXXBXX
Printing in COBOL FILE SECTION FD Customer-Report. 01 Print-Record-Out. WORKING STORAGE. 01 Heading-1 05 PIC X(8) Value Spaces. 05 PIC X(17) Value ‘Customer Accounts’ 05 PIC X(5) Value Spaces. 05 PIC X(6) Value ‘Date: ‘ 05 WS-Date-Out format of date. 05 PIC X(1) Value Spaces. 05 PIC X(6) Value ‘Page: ‘. 05 WS-Page PIC 9(3).
Printing or Writing to a Spooled File Detail-Line-1 PIC X(80) VALUE ‘Cindy’s Test’ Detail-Line-2 PIC X(80) VALUE ‘COBOL Line of Code’ WRITE Print-Record-Out FROM Detail-Line-1 WRITE Print-Record-Out FROM Detail-Line-2
Printing or Writing to a Spooled File (using AFTER ADVANCING) Detail-Line-1 PIC X(80) VALUE ‘Cindy’s Test’. Detail-Line-2 PIC X(80) VALUE ‘COBOL Line of Code’. WRITE Print-Record-Out FROM Detail-Line-1. WRITE Print-Record-Out FROM Detail-Line-2 AFTER ADVANCING 1 LINE.
Printing or Writing to a Spooled File (using BEFORE ADVANCING) Detail-Line-1 PIC X(80) VALUE ‘Cindy’s Test’. Detail-Line-2 PIC X(80) VALUE ‘COBOL Line of Code’. WRITE Print-Record-Out FROM Detail-Line-1 BEFORE ADVANCING 1 LINE. WRITE Print-Record-Out FROM Detail-Line-2.
Printing or Writing to a Spooled File (using AFTER ADVANCING) Detail-Line-1 PIC X(80) VALUE ‘Cindy’s Test’. Detail-Line-2 PIC X(80) VALUE ‘COBOL Line of Code’. WRITE Print-Record-Out FROM Detail-Line-1. WRITE Print-Record-Out FROM Detail-Line-2 AFTER ADVANCING PAGE.
Printing or Writing to a Spooled File (using BEFORE ADVANCING) Detail-Line-1 PIC X(80) VALUE ‘Cindy’s Test’. Detail-Line-2 PIC X(80) VALUE ‘COBOL Line of Code’. WRITE Print-Record-Out FROM Detail-Line-1 BEFORE ADVANCING PAGE. WRITE Print-Record-Out FROM Detail-Line-2.
Printing or Writing to a Spooled File Detail-Line-1 PIC X(80) VALUE ‘Cindy’s Test’. Detail-Line-2 PIC X(80) VALUE ‘COBOL Line of Code’. WRITE Print-Record-Out FROM Detail-Line-1 AFTER ADVANCING 1 LINE. WRITE Print-Record-Out FROM Detail-Line-2 BEFORE ADVANCING 1 LINE.