A decision services company dedicated to assist clients with the application of optimization technologies, and conceptual study techniques Upstream Services Offered: Integrated model development for pipeline system and processing facilities Conceptual process studies Capital planning Spreadsheet Solutions Step Change – Optimization and Planning Tool (SC-OPT) Facilities and Pipeline Optimization (FAPO) Process design techniques
SC-OPT Model - Features Production forecast input as a spreadsheet file Piping network modeled within Excel Feed to processing facility generated from individual production lines Water and gas injection and gas lift lines integrated into model Multiple years are modeled in one model Rate and temperature sensitive separator model Viscosity and gravity blending at the drill sites Semi-rigorous modeling of processing facility
SC-OPT Model, Main Menu Driven:
SC-OPT Model – Pipelines Hydraulic Modeling: Schematic Output Well pressure back calculated from processing facility pressure Beggs and Brill procedure used
SC-OPT Model - Pipelines nMulti-Year plan calculated and displayed nCost estimate with or without VSM’s nUpdates for each case nVery efficient calculation technique
SC-OPT Model – Processing Facilities nMulti-Year capital plan calculated and displayed nCost estimates based on step change curves nUpdates for each case nVery efficient calculation technique
SC-OPT Model – Processing Facilities Separators: nRate and viscosity sensitive. nIntegrated with heating capacity nUses delta calculations from base case
Facility and Pipeline Optimization (FAPO) Model, M ain Menu
FAPO Model - Pipelines Complex pipeline systems modeled directly in Excel Schematic display Gas lift rate varied in pipelines as part of optimization
Step Change Modeling Successfully applied to Upstream Facilities Capital vs. Capacity “Step Change” plots are generated. Crude production forecast is manipulated. Capital expenditures predicted for each case. Ideal for screening options for further optimization and analysis
Process Design Efficient spreadsheet techniques maximized PFD’s linked to simulation output Existing equipment performance rating New equipment sizing Vessel drawings Hydraulic calculations Specification sheets Unit performance monitoring Process only – no project or designer overhead Efficient and cost effective.
Optimization for the Petroleum Industry Karl Seck President 3190 Bay Road Ferndale, WA Phone: