1 β Attenuation Method PM10/2.5 Automated Dichotomous Monitor SPM-613D β Attenuation Method PM10/2.5 Automated Dichotomous Monitor Model SPM-613D ■SPM continuous particulate analyzer developed by joint patent with Japan Science and Technology department of government, Kimoto and Tisch Environmental ■Black Carbon feature originated from work of DRI/EPA and measurement of OC/EC
2 Features Ambient PM 2.5, or fine fraction is what medical and epidemiological researcher are concerned about for health effects Ambient PM 10, PM 2.5 and Optical Black Carbon can be measured simultaneously on continuous basis. PM Coarse is calculated and reported as PM 10 - PM 2.5 = PMC Use of virtual impactor enables two measurements of both Fine and Coarse particles simultaneously with a Japan patented system* Monitor uses proprietary fluorocarbon membrane filter which reduces gas and moisture effect to minimum, and assures high sensitivity Sample spots on fluorocarbon membrane filter useful for analyses of ion components and metal components after mass and Carbon direct measurement
3 Structure of SPM-613D
4 Virtual Impactor PM 10 and PM 2.5 Simultaneously
5 Validation and Calibration Device for Particle Size-Cut Testing Particle generator and aerosol mixing chamber to test inlet separators and virtual impactors for size-cut and penetration curves
6 Cut off curves
7 Fig. 1 Comparison of Virtual Impactor vs WINS Impactor. (1-hour value) Fig. 2. Comparison of SPM-613D vs EPA FRM sampler. (24-hour average) WINS vs. VI and FRM vs. Continuous
8 Fig. 3. Comparison of GRIMM, TEOM (at 50 ℃ controlled) vs SPM-612D. (- hour value) Fig. 4. Comparison of EC by DRI method vs OBC by SPM- 613D. (1-hour value)
9 Fig.5. A daily plot of continuous ambient PM measurements
10 Element analysis
11 Time series Chemical Compositon
12 Gas and Particles
13 N & S
14 Winter Time Series/Chemical composition
15 Summer Time series/Chemical compositoin
16 Sampling time comparisons