African Centre for Statistics United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Lessons Learnt from First Round of Country Profiles – ACS Perspectives Country Profile Workshop 22 – 24 June 2015
Lesson 1: No coordination between ACS and SROs Production timeline not communicated –Input/contribution from ACS not scheduled –Last minute reaction by ACS, e.g., data classification hurried –Graphs and visuals Recommendation: –Assign designated focal points in ACS for specific SROs –Focal points for CP and all data issues
Lesson 2: Review Committee Concept Note provides for Review Committee –To suggest changes – hopefully minor –Authorize publication Who is to establish/lead committee? –CN specification of composition suggests ACS is to establish it Recommendation: –Director of ACS to chair review committee for authority –Explicitly provide for review in production timeline
Lesson 3: Data Management Piecemeal data provisioning –Lack of consistency in data currency, e.g., some reference to projected values for 2014 when actual values were already publicly available –Consistent presentation: precision, comma separators, messaging –Data not available for subsequent ECA work Recommendation: –Operationalize SOP –Dedicated WORKING database –Migration plan from working to dissemination databases
Lesson 4: Visuals – revisited Inconsistent use of visuals –Some charts and graphs not consistent with messaging –Bar charts, line graphs, pies, etc., have specific uses depending on data and message Recommendation: –Use ACS services –Provide for preparation of visuals in timeline