Statistical Export and Tabulation System (SETS) Overview and SetX Debut Ann Aikin and Bob Sloss 2004 Data Users Conference Session #16 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics
Statistical Export and Tabulation System (SETS), One Solution Public Health Service Act requires that: DHHS “publish, make available and disseminate such statistics on as wide a basis as is practicable.” [Section 308 (242m) (c) ] Users also report wanting greater access to data and documentation. They want it to be low cost and easy to use. Public Use Data released in SETS format retains its original structure, codes, weights, values, field names, and documentation. Developed, owned, and maintained by NCHS – no cost/license fees to NCHS or users.
Statistical Export and Tabulation System (SETS) History SETS developed Federal Leadership Award for “outstanding achievement in information systems” WINDOWS version of SETS Revision 805 released SetX released for beta testing Currently users can obtain more than 70 SETS CD-ROMS featuring NCHS data and documentation. In the next six months, NCHS will release 4-8 new data sets in the SETS version.
SETS User Affiliation *Other includes Congressional staff, policymakers, philanthropists, non-profits, contractors and consultants
SETS Features: An Overview SETS Designer Kit SETS ASCII Editor SETS Interface Searching SETS Documentation files field labels code labels Browsing Data File Selecting Records Recoding Tabulating Frequencies Percents Weights Charting Exporting/Extracting SAS, SPSS, Excel, and more… SETS QuickTab Generator Allows for speedier tabulations, without documentation files.
SETS Features: Designer Kit and Editor SETS Designer Kit Build child sets Or design your own! SETS Editor Powerful ASCII Editor—for editing large, complex data sets.
SETS Features: The SETS Interface The SETS Interface—Data and documentation available together! The interface is available on every SETS CD, on the NCHS Internet site (download), and on the SETS software CD. Revision 805 is the most current version.
SETS Features: The SETS Interface Searching in SETS: Documents, fields and codes
SETS Features: The SETS Interface Browsing in SETS
SETS Features: The SETS Interface Selecting Records and Recoding Fields
SETS Features: The SETS Interface Tabulating: Frequencies, Percents, Rates and Weights
SETS Features: The SETS Interface Exporting and Extracting Data (SAS, SPSS, Excel, and more…)
SetX: Meeting User Needs Emerging need for more analytic tools in SETS Need to add Internet components Pressure to make table generation more user friendly Other enhancements
Statistical Export and Tabulation System (SETS) Contacts act/sets/listservsets.htm (919)
Ann Aikin (301) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2004 Data Users Conference Session #16 Bob Sloss (301)