UNEP Training Resource ManualTopic 7 Slide 1 The purpose of mitigation is to: F find better ways of doing things F enhance environmental and social benefits F avoid, minimise or remedy adverse impacts F ensure that residual impacts are within acceptable levels
UNEP Training Resource ManualTopic 7 Slide 2 The purpose of impact management is to: F ensure mitigation measures are implemented F establish systems and procedures for this purpose F monitor the effectiveness of mitigation measures F take action when unforeseen impacts occur
UNEP Training Resource ManualTopic 7 Slide 3 Proponents have a responsibility to: F avoid, minimise and remedy adverse impacts F internalise the environmental and social costs of the proposal F prepare plans for managing impacts F repair or make restitution for environmental damages
UNEP Training Resource ManualTopic 7 Slide 4 A framework for impact mitigation
UNEP Training Resource ManualTopic 7 Slide 5 Principles of mitigation F give preference to avoidance and preventative measures F consider feasible alternatives to the proposal F identify customised measures to minimise each major impact F ensure they are appropriate and cost-effective F use compensation as a last resort
UNEP Training Resource ManualTopic 7 Slide 6 Impact avoidance can be achieved by: not undertaking certain projects or elements F avoiding environmentally sensitive areas F use of measures to prevent impacts from occurring - site remediation bonds - resettlementplans - in kind measures and offsets
UNEP Training Resource ManualTopic 7 Slide 7 Impact minimisation can be achieved by: F scaling down or relocating the proposal F redesigning elements of the project F measures to manage the impacts
UNEP Training Resource ManualTopic 7 Slide 8 Impact compensation can be achieved by: F rehabilitation of resource or environmental components F restoration of the site to its previous state F replacement of the environmental values lost at another location
UNEP Training Resource ManualTopic 7 Slide 9 Mitigation options F develop alternatives that are better environmentally F make changes in planning and design F carry out impact monitoring and management F compensate for - residual impacts - monetary payment - site remediation bonds - resettlement plans - in kind measures and offsets
UNEP Training Resource ManualTopic 7 Slide 10 Environmental management plans should include: F summary of impacts F recommended mitigation measures F statement of compliance with standards F allocation of resources and responsibilities F schedule of required actions F surveillance, monitoring and auditing programmes F contingency measures for greater than expected impacts F State policy and standards