Using Learner's Profiles to Impact Student Learning March 20, 2013
Welcome! Organize these learning styles from strongest to least preference for yourself. Auditory Visual Kinesthetic
What is a Learner's Profile? A learner profile describes the ways in which a student learns best. It includes: student interests learning preferences and styles differences related to gender, culture and personality learning strengths, needs, supports in the past needs to be dynamic, constantly changing
Purpose of the LP to guide the design of instruction and assessment to easily access student data to help create support plans for students for teacher collaboration for student goal setting/conferencing to create customized learning goals/paths to collect evidence/showcase learning to help student be college/career ready
A Sample Learner Profile Possible Learner Profile Information
LP: Academic student interests and learning styles student learning goals (short term LT, long term, etc.) continuum of skills student checklist of skills assessment information accommodations/differentiation e-portfolio
LP: College and Career Readiness career interests career surveys (Wis Careers, Work Keys) graduation requirements and credits college goals (short term, long term) resumes and letters of recommendation record of additional sports, clubs, activities, volunteer experiences, etc. internships, apprenticeships, job shadowing, etc.
LP: Soft Skills continuum of soft skills behavior plans, goals, etc. 21st Century skills attendance, tardies, etc. work habits student interests and hobbies personal goals
LP: Communication mentoring/conferencing record teacher conferencing record parent communication record student led conferences record report cards progress reports
LP: Additional Plans IEP ELL Title 1, 2, 3, Services Testing accommodations
Review of Learner's Profile Goal: To shape the learning around the learners What are their interests? What are their needs? What are their motivations? What inspires them? What are their goals and how can we help them get there?
Examples of LP's WAWM NxGL LP Linguafolio
How can teachers utilize the LP to impact instruction? building background providing examples selecting texts and activities creating stations creating assessments
Student Choice Differentiation: variety of instructional presentation (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) allow use of multiple intelligences choice in activities or assessments variety of learning stations different types and level of assignments/activities
Personalization inquiry/research teacher and student conferencing to select goals and evaluation of evidence technology- compass learning, IXL, RAZ kids, Ten Marks, etc. portfolio checklist of skills self reflection project based learning
Other Resources on LP Responsive Teaching, Best Practices in Differentiated Instruction d22e9d b#showDoc d22e9d b#showDoc Formative Assessment and Differentiated Instruction (grades K-5) inventories.html inventories.html West Virginia Dept of Ed (Online Learning styles assessments) Dare to Differentiate (wikispace with resources and samples)
21st Century Learning Core Subjects & Interdisciplinary Themes Global Awareness, Financial Literacy, Civic Literacy, Health Literacy, Environmental Literacy Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Communication and Collaboration
21st Century Learning Information Media and Technology Skills Information Literacy, Media Literacy, ICT (Information, Communications, and Technology) Literacy Life and Career Skills Flexibility and Adaptability, Initiative and Self Direction, Social and Cross-Cultural Skills, Productivity and Accountability, Leadership and Responsibility
21st Century Insights Interdisciplinary Focus on skills and application not on facts Innovation is important Collaborative environment, not isolation Need to know how to problem solve Build self direction and self management Cross cultural skills
21st Century Links/Sites See