Summit Stock Cars
Design Challenge: To design and construct a three or four wheeled vehicle. It will be launched down a ramp onto a flat surface, where it will travel as far as possible. Top distance 81 feet 6 inches (paper wheels) Top distance 106 feet 6 inches (2 CD, 2paper wheels)
Procedure: Create your race team. (A team can consist of either four or five members.) 2. In your teams come up with a design for your team logo which will be shown on the side of each of the team cars.
Procedure 3 3. Create a racecar ideation sheet, consisting of five possible racecar designs. Keep in mind that it must be possible to create your racecar using the fold out construction method. You must then choose your best design and have the instructor review your design for practicality.
Procedure #4 4. Design a concept sketch of the side of your car. This drawing is to be 1:1 scale. Use a ruler and a pencil. Show the number of grid dimensions that you will be using. You must have a flat (horizontal) line at the highest point of the car.
Procedure Layout your final design on the graph paper provided, using the vehicle fold out construction method, a ruler, a pencil and a compass. 6. Glue the grid paper pattern to the card stock and cut out the vehicle. 7. Make the appropriate folds that will give you the three dimensional racing vehicle you designed.
Procedure Glue the folding corners 9. Add the wheel and axel assembly. 10. Add weight to the car and “test and tune”. Test and tune is your chance to experiment with the amount and location of weight to obtain the greatest distance.
Min/ Max Length 30-36grids Min/ Max Width 9-16 grids Min/ Max Height 6-12 grids Total of Width and Height may not exceed 48 grids Width x 2 = a Height x 2 = b a + b = total grids (max 48)
A Few More Things Variables Body design (aerodynamics) Wheels 4paper, 2CD/2paper (diameter) Payload weight and location Wheel base (how close the axels are form each other Length of axel Number of wheels (may have either 3 or four wheels) Materials Drafting paper, card stock Plastic straw bearings Wood axels Teflon washers Various glues and tapes Weights = metal washers or anything you have
Race Testing Drivers will test their own vehicles for the best performance. On race day each driver will have two runs: the best scores to be recorded.
Stock Car Competition Assignment Criteria Ideation - five designs Five different side views3 Neatness: ruler and pencil used2 /5 Logo Neat and detailed5 Colour2 8 1/2" x 11" paper (flat, well kept)2 Team name (appropriate)2 Outlined shapes (stand out)2 Name and Block2 /15
Concept Sketch Title (Concept Sketch), Name, Block1 Total grids needed for final drawing1 Brackets x 22 Dimensions x 3 (in circle)3 Width dimension (horizontal I-shape)1 Neatness of Car body shape2 /10 Final Drawing - layout (vehicle fold out construction method) Two sides, top and bottom5 In pencil and ruler used5 Neatness (clean, single smooth lines, etc)10 Labeled (line segments a, b, -?; name, block)5 Tabs (2 grids, drawn on "top" only)5 /30
- one unique poster from each student Team name mentioned1 Computer generated2 Coloured (printed in colour or printed 2 in b/w and hand coloured) Catchy fraises 3 ("come see the tigers roar on race day") Name and block2 /10
This mark is based on a performance scale. The cars that receive the greatest distance will receive 100%. The next cars that roll the greatest distance will receive 90%, and so on. The shortest distance possible will be a default distance of 8-10 feet. Students will evaluate their own car. Learning to be critical and honest about their work is important to the understanding of their mark. This way the students learn to recognize their successes and areas that should have been improved. Note: The teacher then marks the project. (teacher has final say) Racing Distance Self Evaluation
Evaluation Distance Decoration (Funkiest car)54321 Construction- folding54321 Square54321 Tidy glue edges54321 Wheels round54321 Axles parallel Axles level54321 Team spirit- logo54321 Correct material use ___/50 x 2=____
Technology Ed Stock Car Project Ideation - Five designs sheet /5 Concept Sketch/10 Final drawing- layout/30 Individual construction (see “Evaluation”)/100 Logo/10 Race Day Poster/10 »Total/165