Region 2 PACE Report Marriott Hotel Philadelphia, PA February , 2003 Parviz Famouri Region 2 PACE Coordinator
PACE activities Activities in Region 2 and other US Regions Resources available for Section PACE activities PACE CD 2003 IEEE-USA Leadership Workshop Region 2 PACE Requests Priorities of the Region 2 Committee for Outline
What Is PACE? The Professional Activities Committees for Engineers (PACE) is a grassroots network of IEEE volunteers and committees organized at the section and chapter level in the United States with support from their respective regions and the IEEE-USA. The PACE Network (we all are) promotes the professional interests of IEEE's U.S. members and provides a mechanism for communication of members' views on their professional needs.
IEEE Boards
Overview of IEEE-USA Structure
The IEEE-USA Strategic Plan for stipulates that the following four objectives will be given priority: 1. Continue to build IEEE-USA’s influence at the national, state, and local levels as a sought-after resource for technical advice to policymakers and as an effective voice for the career and technology policy interests of IEEE’s U.S. members. 2. Improve IEEE-USA’s ability to communicate with U.S. members and with the public at large by refining and focusing its message and by taking advantage of new communications technologies. 3. Develop a new generation of products and services that will not only help enhance the career vitality of IEEE’s U.S. members but also will generate revenues that reduce IEEE-USA’s reliance on membership dues. 4. Improve IEEE-USA’s organizational effectiveness by focusing resources on high-priority activities that will have a clear impact, by making more effective use of volunteers, and by strengthening its interaction with other components of the IEEE. PACE Network will be a key player in the implementation of these objectives.
What are the Objectives of the PACE Network? The work of the PACE Network is directed toward achieving the following three objectives: 1. Encouraging the provision of member services, mainly in the form of increased economic benefits, professional stature, and employment security for engineers; 2. Enhancing public awareness of the socio ‑ technical issues affecting American society and promoting public recognition of engineers as professionals; 3. Engaging in government action at the local, state, and national level by making the technological background and problem solving experience of engineers available to the legislative process and by influencing legislation that affects the professional careers of engineers.
Regional PACE Committee and Regional PACE Program Coordinators Each Regional PACE Coordinator is assisted by a team of six program specialists who keep abreast of IEEE programs in their areas and support sections, councils, societies, and chapters that wish to undertake local activities. These six program coordinators constitute the Regional PACE Coordinator's Regional PACE Committee. The six PACE Program Coordinators are responsible for the following areas: Government Activities (Joseph Kalasky) Career Enhancement Activities (Thomas Chmielewski) Precollege Education Activities (Not appointed yet) Student Professional Awareness Activities (John Paserba) Technical Policy Activities (Joseph Kalasky) Employment Assistance Activities (Thomas Chmielewski) The program coordinators are appointed by the Regional Director with recommendations from the Regional PACE Coordinator. They may serve in the same capacity on the Regional Director's Committee, when the position exists, and/or as the regional delegate to a corresponding IEEE ‑ USA committee.
Government Activities Coordinator 1. Works closely with the Regional Government Activities Coordinator or serves as same. 2. Works closely with the IEEE ‑ USA Government Activities Committee as a member or corresponding member. 3. Fosters, nurtures, coordinates, and encourages the establishment of government activities.
Technical Policy Activities Coordinator 1. Maintains an awareness of the on ‑ going activities of the Technology Policy Council (TPC) and its various committees and subcommittees. 2. Works closely with Regional Chapter Relations Coordinators and Section Chapter Relations Coordinators, or serves as the same at the regional level, to coordinate awareness and advocacy of TPC activities including current position papers, testimonies, seminars/workshops/conferences, and other significant TPC action. 3. Fosters, nurtures, coordinates, and encourages technology policy activities in the region.
Student Professional Awareness Activities Coordinator 1. Works closely with the IEEE ‑ USA Student Professional Awareness Committee as a member or corresponding member. 2. Works closely with the Regional Student Activities Committee chair (R ‑ SAC). 3. Serves as the Regional Student Professional Awareness Conference (S ‑ PAC) Coordinator. 4. Promotes student professional awareness activities to the colleges and universities in the region. 5. Promotes S ‑ PACs and S-PAVs
Career Enhancement Activities Coordinator 1. Works closely with the Regional Career Enhancement Activities Coordinator or serves as same. 2. Works closely with the IEEE ‑ USA Career Maintenance and Development Committee as a member or corresponding member. 3. Fosters, nurtures, coordinates, and encourages career enhancement activities in the region.
Employment Assistance Activities Coordinator 1. Works closely with the Regional Career Enhancement Activities Coordinator or serves as same. 2. Works closely with the IEEE ‑ USA Employment Assistance Committee as a member or corresponding member. 3. Fosters, nurtures, coordinates, and encourages employment assistance activities in the region.
Precollege Education Activities Coordinator 1. Works closely with the Regional Precollege Education Activities Coordinator or serves as same. 2. Works closely with the IEEE ‑ USA Precollege Education Committee as a member or corresponding member. 3. Fosters, nurtures, coordinates, and encourages precollege education activities in the region. 4. Works with business, education, and other engineering/scientific societies to promote technical literacy. 5. Encourages local IEEE volunteer involvement with teachers and school administrators.
PACE Activities in Region 2 M-PAC (Baltimore) Robotic competitions (FIRST) (Pittsburgh, Baltimore) Membership and Outreach (Washington) Communicating and motivating talents that enhance your career (Philadelphia) Global Perspectives in Science & Tech. Education (NoVA) Student branch and SPAC Support (7 in 2001 and 8 in 2002)
PACE Activities in other US Regions Multimedia Communications (Corpus Christi) Denver Expo2001 Training Conference (Denver) Networking Opportunities for Women in Engineering (Coastal LA Section) Participate in Chamber of Commerce Day at the State Capitol (Austin, Texas) Member Professional Activities Conference (M-PAC) Los Alamos Section Science Fair Participation & Awards
Resources Available Annual funds are available from IEEE-USA for Region 2 professional activities ($11, for 2003). MPAC Speaker Travel ($2,000 for all Regions). Section PACE Delegate Travel to IEEE-USA Professional Activities Workshop ($8, for 2003).
PACE Resources Project Funding PACE Contacts 2002 Workshop M-PAC Conferences S-PAC Basic Documents E-Conferencing CARE Project PACE CD
2003 IEEE-USA Leadership Workshop March 2003 Hilton Seattle Airport Seattle, Washington
Who Should Attend? Anyone who wants to participate in PACE Network (especially the new PACE chairs) – Active Section/Society Chapter PACE Chairs GOLD Chapter PACE Chairs – New Section/Society Chapter PACE Chairs GOLD Chapter PACE Chairs
The Program Regional/society/GOLD Breakouts Government Relations IEEE-USA’s Grassroots Priorities Meeting Your Member of Congress Role Play Pre-college Education How To Start Your Own Consultants Network E-conferencing Demonstration Awards Reception
When and Where to Register? Workshop Registration - $300 – Now, ASAP Web Registration Hotel Registration - $109/per room night – Now, but no later than March 3, 2003 Hilton Seattle Airport & Conference Center Phone: / Fax: Airfare is most likely going to average from $300 - $500 The expected cost per attendee is going to be $800 - $
How Will Regional Funding be Distributed? – Each regional delegate will submit their expense report to me. – I will submit a summary report with a copy of each delegate’s expense report as documentation to IEEE-USA to account for the funding used. – IEEE-USA will issue a check to Region 2 treasurer for the amount reported by me. – Region 2 treasurer will issue a check to delegate for the agreed amount of funding. – Equally among the Region 2 participating Sections. – If your section sends a delegate who never been in previous workshops, your section will receive an additional 15% in travel funds. – Special circumstances will be taken up on a case-by-case basis.
Requests – Please send as many Section PACE Chairs as possible to the Workshop. – Please submit your PACE Project Reports. – Please provide me with the newly appointed section PACE chairs addresses. One copy of the current directory for corrections and updates is being routed at this meeting.
IEEE Region 2 Section PACE Chairs Maryland (Area 1) Maryland PACE Chair Douglas Tipton Baltimore December (03) William Dixon Annapolis Subsection December (0301) David C. Boyd Northern Virginia June (49) Ed Gordon Washington DC June (19) Shyam Bajpai
IEEE Region 2 Section PACE Chairs Ohio (Area 2) Ohio PACE Chair Daniel Repperger Akron December (01) Rob Voss Cincinnati December (09) Laurie Tappel Cleveland December (11) Behnam Malakooti Columbus June (13) A. S. (Ben) Mehraban Zanesville Subsection INACTIVE (1305) TBA Dayton December (15) David C. Perez Lima December (29) Ralph E. Stelzer Youngston July (39) Jalal Jalali
IEEE Region 2 Section PACE Chairs Pennsylvania (Area 3) Pennsylvania PACE Chair Tasos Malapetsas Central Pennsylvania December (07) David L. Hall Erie December (23) Theresa Vitolo Johnstown June (25) Robert K. McKee Lehigh Valley December (27) George E. Beam Philadelphia December (35) Edwin J. Podell Pittsburgh December (37) Thomas J. Dionise Upper Monongahela Subsection December (3701) Matthew Valenti Susquehanna June (43) SEDIG S. AGILI
IEEE Region 2 Section PACE Chairs South (Area 4) Area 4 PACE Chair Jorome Gibbon Delaware Bay June (17) Southern New Jersey December (41) Philip Holmer West Virginia June (45) Shekar Pradhan
Priorities of the R2 Committee for – Have an active section. – Employment Assistance to our members. – Student Outreach.
I am here to help you help our members