Office of the Provost Parent Presentation New Student Orientation Summer 2015 Vanessa Harris, MPA Director - University Advisement Stephanie Hands, MBA Director - Arts & Science Advisement Center Andrew Gonzalez, MA Director - College Enrichment and Outreach Programs
Office of the Provost Advisement Structure Expectations – Advisor – Student – Parent LoboAchieve Other online resources Questions: What are you doing with my student right now? Other Questions FirstThen
Office of the Provost
Academic Advisor Expectations Students can expect the advisor to: Understand and effectively communicate the curriculum, university and college policies and procedures. Encourage and support students as they gain the skills to define and develop clear and attainable educational plans and goals. Provide students with information and strategies for utilizing the available resources and services on campus. Assist students in understanding the purpose and goals of higher education and its effects on their personal lives and future goals. Monitor and accurately document students’ progress toward meeting their goals. Be accessible during office hours for communication with students by walk-in advising, telephone, , or web access. Maintain confidentiality.
Office of the Provost Student Expectations As a student, they have responsibilities in the advising partnership that can assist them in their academic development: Make regular contact with advisors each semester. Come prepared to each appointment with questions and/or material for discussion. Be an active learner by participating fully in the advising experience. Ask if they do not understand an issue or have a specific concern. Complete all assignments and recommendations from their advisor. Gather all relevant decision-making information. Inform their advisor of their personal values and goals and discuss this in regards to their interests and abilities. Become knowledgeable about college programs, policies, and procedures Accept responsibility for their decisions.
Office of the Provost How Can Parents Best Assist Student in this Relationship? Encourage Exploration – Ask questions that are open ended – Direct them to resources on campus – Persuade them to meet with Advisors regularly Support – Be a sounding board – Give feedback that empowers the student – Check progress on student “to do’s” but don’t do for them When in doubt – tell them to …. See their Advisor!
Office of the Provost Provide students with one central location to find the people on campus who can help them be successful.
Office of the Provost RESOURCES The Director for University Advisement UNM CORE Requirement curriculum.pdf University Advisement Centers LoboAchieve Academic Roadmaps Student Success Initiatives UNM Student Info The Center for Academic Support (CAPS) Parent & Family Website Office of Equity & Inclusion Important links for Current UNM Students
Office of the Provost Activities today Registration 15 hours Placement Major Interest High Impact Courses Introductions To their College/Major To the Technology used – LoboWeb – LoboTrax – LoboAchieve To their Advisors To Expectations
Office of the Provost QUESTIONS