»Prompt: 1/7/15 Take the survey in this brochure:
Are we born with self-esteem, or is it shaped in us???
Who shapes it??
We are NOT born with self-esteem - it is shaped in us! parents family friends SELF!!! teachers media community
So, if we aren’t born with it that means we can change it ! (if it’s low) So, if we aren’t born with it that means we can change it ! (if it’s low)
The #1 best way to improve self-esteem and stay strong against “mean” people is: positive self-talk :)
WHEN IT COMES TO THOUGHTS, YOU HAVE A LOT OF MIND CONTROL!! YOUR BODY LISTENS AND RESPONDS TO YOUR THOUGHTS!!!! Your mental self-talk can be: P O S I T I V E or N E G A T I V E 2 examples: 1. In Sports Psychology an athlete is taught to stay positive, to stay calm, be focused, be confident, to “see yourself as a winner,” and to “picture the ball going in the hole.” Many athletes find success with this positive thinking and imagery. Like Lightning McQueen “I am Speed”. 2. In relaxation therapy you imagine a place or event that is peaceful, restful, beautiful and happy. The body actually responds with lower blood pressure, lower pulse rate to calm down and relax.
Just as making positive statements to yourself helps you to build confidence, improve performance, and improve your mental skills, negative thinking damages them.
Whatever you tell yourself, your sub-conscious brain will believe as truth and it will work to make that true for you !!! For instance, if you say you aren’t a morning person your sub- conscious brain will reinforce that idea! You may feel tired, hit the “snooze bar” and spill things, etc.
Example: If you were taught as a child that all dogs will bite you, your mind will automatically raise that fear everytime you see a dog. (even though your friend tells you that their dog is friendly, your mind believes and sends the fear message! You have to re-train your brain!!!)
» Body image is how you see yourself when you look in the mirror or when you picture yourself in your mind. » It encompasses: 1. What you believe about your own appearance (including your memories, assumptions, and generalizations). 2. How you feel about your body, including your height, shape, and weight. 3How you sense and control your body as you move. How you feel in your body, not just about your body.
1. What is being advertised? Hair products 2. Who is the target audience? Teen girls. 3. What does the advertiser want me to believe? That my hair is fine and flat and I need their product! 4. What do I know to be true? Everyone's hair is different and it won't look like the girl's in the ad! 5. What advertising appeal did they use? Lacking or Missing Out RULE 1: Be a savvy reader-know the advertiser’s tricks…
» A distorted perception of your shape--you perceive parts of your body unlike they really are. » You are convinced that only other people are attractive and that your body size or shape is a sign of personal failure. » You feel ashamed, self-conscious, and anxious about your body. You feel uncomfortable and awkward in your body.
» A clear, true perception of your shape--you see the various parts of your body as they really are. » You celebrate and appreciate your natural body shape and you understand that a person’s physical appearance says very little about their character and value as a person. » You feel proud and accepting of your unique body and refuse to spend an unreasonable amount of time worrying about food, weight, and calories. » You feel comfortable and confident in your body.
RULE 2: Don’t ever compare yourself to a magazine ad - What you see is not reality!! Every Every photo you see in a magazine is digitally altered!!
There are very few ads for guys, and when there is one, they don’t have many words…
but the ads for girls are full of words- messages about being perfect, flawless, not good enough,
Many ads make girls feel like they can’t speak up for themselves (that their personality isn’t what’s important to hear, but that their great body should be their silent voice!... "Make a big impression! On the first day of school tell everyone about yourself without saying a word." "Let your hair speak volumes." (but no need for your real voice!!
DISCUSS WITH YOUR TABLE PARTNER: What is the indirect or implied message in the following magazine ads?
Is your self-worth wrapped up in a pair of jeans?
To be a winner you have to lose weight???
Wouldn’t we all look great if we had hours to spend with a professional hair stylist, or make up artist, or fashion consultant, or a personal trainer??? compare RULE 3: Don’t compare yourself to celebrities!!
Tyra Banks
Alec Baldwin
Jennifer Lopez
DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF TO CELEBRITIES, STARS, ADS, OR MAGAZINES!! Instead…Learn to like yourself. » "You're Beautiful" video link -Jp6hQhttps:// -Jp6hQ
Also Try: How you describe yourself and how others see you. » ywhttps:// yw Lizzie Velaquez’s inspiring story »
LOVE WHAT’S GOOD: CHANGE WHAT YOU COULD: ACCEPT WHAT YOU SHOULD: your choice on how many here- height, wide feet, need contacts, short legs… Accepting the Best