Critical Commentary 3,500 words Deadline 8 th January 2014
Demonstrate your learning In the critical commentary you will demonstrate that you have engaged with and understand the topics we have studied.
Critical Commentary Topics Operating a performance arts company- Identify a range of techniques relevant to, project management and business planning within the performing arts Marketing the performing arts --Identify the main methods used Arts administration in contemporary Britain Describe the main features of this Legal and regulatory frameworks -Describe the key requirements made upon performance by legal regulations including employment and health and safety Personal development – knowledge of range of job roles,preparing a CV and interviews
A commentary will help you write critically about a topic Purpose: The purpose of commentary is not simply to describe things but to give readers a way to make sense of them. It will help you analyze this topic in relation to the wider context. Use the guide I have given you to assess your own quality of work
On these topics you will be: Describing, writing brief summaries and giving examples Asking questions about the ideas and information you are learning and reading and from guest speakers/visits Discussing the ideas and commenting thoughtfully on how you could apply these in the right context
Different types of writing Descriptive Critical
Descriptive writing Is just what it suggests You are just presenting the information simple presenting – retelling – stating the obvious
Descriptive A certain amount of descriptive writing is essential, But there is a danger that too much descriptive writing will use up valuable words from your word limit, and reduce the space you have for the critical writing that will get you higher marks.
Critical Commentary Critical writing is not just about acquiring data, memorizing facts, or reiterating what someone else thinks. You need to demonstrate that you have read and understood the information Demonstrate that you have got involved in what your reading to have thought and responded to the ideas be an active participant by trying to understand the topic well enough to write a balanced and well written commentary
What is critical writing? With critical writing you are participating in the academic debate. This is more challenging A clear and confident discussion on the conclusions of other writers and of examples of practice. You can evaluating if they are useful ideas or good practice in particular contexts. You need to weigh up the evidence and arguments of others, and to contribute your own.
What is critical writing? You will need to: consider the quality of the evidence and argument you have read; identify key positive and negative aspects you can comment upon; assess their relevance and usefulness of the information you are writing about identify how you can use these ideas to back up your own ideas
Recommended web site riting/writing-resources/critical-writing
Researching and Writing Wider research will give you the opportunity to back up your information with real examples of different companies and how they work Comments and analysis This is very important – you need to discuss the information e.g. Why some things are very crucial or How different aspects of managing are very interrelated – At times difficult decisions will need to be made perhaps because of funding issues Do you have any experiences to add to the information
Essential You must have Evidence Everyone must demonstrate that you have read and understood the information by; Referring to the facts and information you have read that relate to what you are discussing. This could be from – e.g books/ web sites/specific company web sites/guest visits lectures/interviews/own experience
E.g. Freakley and Sutton ( 1996,P102) argue that it is very important when developing any marketing strategy to have a clear idea about your target audience/client group. Having carried out market research and identifying your target groups, I feel will be both economical on time, energy and money for any company trying to develop their work in a time of reduced budgets.
Useful Phrases present the evidence to support the statement States that ‘it could be argued …’ ‘this suggests that …’ It’s important to consider this ….. because
Evidence The extracts I have given you are from the following books – add your own relevant page numbers V. Freakley & R. Sutton (2000)‘Essential Guide to Business in the Performing Arts. London: Hodder & Stoughton –- Edited by Sally Mackey (1997). Practical Theatre a post 16 Approach. Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes. Chapters 5 and 10. Peter Dean (2007). Production Management. Making a Show Happen. Wiltshire: Crowood press.
Referencing Make sure its included and is accurate Use quotes or citations of statements within the actual writing of your commentary.