Team 3 Brian Calvendra Ryan Ketchum Jess Mcraney Sean Duque
Determine travel costs during retirement for a Chevy Tahoe while staying in 4 star hotel Determine travel costs during retirement for a Sportscoach Cross Country Compare the two scenarios and provide analysis on which is the better option
Credit Score —> APR Insurance Maintenance Gas Inflation Miles Driven Times Traveled/Year Hotel Price/Night (SUV) KOA Price/Night (RV)
2009 Sportscoach Cross Country MSRP$120,000 APR7% n (years)20 Down Payment10% Insurance ($/yr)$800 MPG5 Diesel ($/gal.)$3.75 Miles/Trip1500 Maintenance ($/yr)$1700
2009 Chevy Tahoe MSRP$38,000 APR5% n (years)5 Down Payment10% Insurance ($/yr)$600 MPG18 Diesel ($/gal.)$3.50 Miles/Trip1800 Maintenance ($/yr)$1200
Chevy Tahoe ◦ 20 Year useful life ◦ $300/night ◦ Total: $275, RV ◦ 20 year useful life ◦ $40/night ◦ Total: $330,546.58
Chevy Tahoe ◦ 11 Year useful life ◦ $2000 salvage value ◦ $300/night ◦ Total: $316, RV ◦ 20 year useful life ◦ $40/night ◦ Total: $330,546.58
Chevy Tahoe ◦ 8 Year useful life ◦ $6000 salvage value ◦ $275/night ◦ Total: $328, RV ◦ 20 year useful life ◦ $40/night ◦ Total: $330,546.58
Chevy Tahoe ◦ 11 Year useful life ◦ $2000 salvage value ◦ $275/night ◦ Total: $302, RV ◦ 20 year useful life ◦ $0/night ◦ Total: $308,146.58
Chevy Tahoe ◦ 8 Year useful life ◦ $6000 salvage value ◦ $300/night ◦ Total: $342, RV ◦ 20 year useful life ◦ $0/night ◦ Total: $308,146.58
Traveling by SUV and living in hotel is slightly preferred overall… BUT! With some adjustments, traveling by RV is a possibility.
All-State Insurance