Index.html Important Homepage for every project in this course Points will be deducted otherwise
Structure Structure is important to maintain organization and separate logic Organization and naming is important When we look at files, what do you think we click on first? Root folder Img folder Css folder Js folder
Relative Paths If the img file was in the same folder as the index.html If the img was placed in a img folder that is in the folder where the index.html exists Relative to current file
Relative Path - Images Images will be very helpful to creating a website How can we include images in our pages? Resource-
Absolute Paths An absolute link is created when the href value is a fully qualified URL www filename
Do the activities
Course Technology: Local Web Development Web server solution will allow quick local testing when you start using php and databases WAMP for Windows users MAMP for Mac users XAMPP for Mac/Linux/Windows users LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) for Linux users install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu
Course Technology: XAMPP example Download and Install Ignore the add-in checkboxes The default installation options are fine
XAMPP example cont’d Start apache Locate the root folder Put in the project folder In browser, go to foldername/index.html
More help Windows and linux faqs on the right