Assessment is seen as a key tool in planning learning, supporting and monitoring pupil progress DEVELOPING Assessment for Learning
Planning for Assessment Start with what pupils know Identify with pupils what you want to achieve Use the curriculum to plan learning experiences Use level descriptions to help target where you want the pupils to be Use ongoing assessment to guide progression and involve pupils Tweak planning as necessary as you go Use teacher, class, self and peer assessment Use work sampling, talk, pupil views
Unit of work focus: To recognise(L3) and understand(L4) how people can improve and damage the environment (using own and other views [L4]) Skills focus: fieldwork, mapping and ICT I used this curriculum target to help me focus a unit of work for year 4 pupils to ensure it was pitched at the right level. I think most of my pupils are working at L3 but felt some could achieve aspects of L4, so I built in opportunities for this.
Year 4: Using photographs to assess prior knowledge Paired and class discussions allowed me to find out what pupils already knew about the local area and about environmental quality.
Pupils were generally confident at finding locations and plotting routes using maps in class but needed more practice at making their own maps.
Success criteria: I can show features of the local environment on an outline map, using a key. Buddy task: has your buddy marked all the main features? Have they used a clear key? How could they improve their work? Pupils had clear criteria and were paired with a buddy for peer assessment
Pupils were asked to do a short self evaluation at the end of a unit of work
Level 2 level 3 level 4 Year 4 pupils were asked to self assess using statements linked to levels
Year 2 pupils were asked to reflect on a fieldtrip to aid future planning. Why was sketching the church too hard? How could this activity be changed? Do pupils enjoy their learning?
Year 2 pupils write their own questions at the start of a unit of work on Mexico. Questions are also useful for assessing prior knowledge
Year 2 Evidence for Level 2 type thinking I can identify, name (using appropriate geographical vocabulary) and represent three or more (M/A pupil) different types of land use where I live Well done, clear drawings and correct names Are there any buildings here? What for?
Year 2 Evidence for level 2 type thinking I can give my own views on a locality using appropriate geographical vocabulary
Y1 - Prior knowledge at the start of a unit on Kenya gleaned through talk and annotation. Pupil working at level 1 and needing support to develop an awareness of the wider world (level 2)
Y4 - Self assessment – can you identify the words that help you describe a sense of place? Peer assessment – compare your words with your partners – how can you improve what you have done? : Evidence for level 3 type thinking recognising how people damage and sustain environments
Lower ability child (Y3) showing awareness of importance of main road in town development and growth of residential area around it Marking for improvement Self assessment at the end of a unit
Year 3 pupils sorted photographs into group by land use: agricultural, services. Residential, transport Groups peer assessed each others choices and then had improvement time to make changes Photo Jenny Till
How can I use assessment to narrow the gap and raise pupils attainment?