Our Business Model
Mission Statement We provide the best in education and e-learning services and products throughout the world. We are committed to excellent and cost-effective delivery in all facets of our business: our customers our partners our technology our staff
What is ESP? Education Service Provider Utility providing cognitive “goods” under the life- long learning paradigm –flow of content –supportive infrastructure –metering and control of use –maintenance –customization
We build e-learning spaces
Other services Consulting Hosting e-Commerce/Billing Help desk
“Work for Hire” WBT projects for clients’ internal use –employees –customers –partners Customization of Knowledge Commerce properties
Knowledge Commerce Owned/Shared/Managed Risk/Reward
Verticals and Horizontals
Inter-relationship of our KC properties
Targeted verticals Professional services Financial Services Manufacturing Telecom/IT (Jim S., Larry) Health Care (Becky) Transportation/Distribution Gov’t/Ed Services Architecture/Construction/Engineering
Targeted horizontals IT/Technology Sales & Marketing “Trendy” Management Skills Language Skills Compliance/Workplace Safety Business Skills Reference
Chart showing cross-over 7/00 12/007/0112/01
Corporate Development
Growing the business Business Development Distribution partnerships New market expansion –Geographic –Business lines Sales Marketing –Corporate –Industry –Partnership
Short-term focus North America –Industry definition/business plans –Tools development –Deal analysis Partnerships for KC properties Support sales Alliances –Strategic investors –Technology –Marketing
Near-term Adapt Industry plans to other countries Open China, Australia, Latin America
Longer term New industries New geographic markets Open distribution channels
Our Sales Process
Lead generation Thank you Marketing!!!
Qualify lead Explore opportunity Determine ability to commit DELIVERABLE from Viviance: –URL for our website –Send out print propaganda –Meeting minutes to customer and to SalesLogix DELIVERABLE from prospect: Date for presentation meeting 10% confidence factor
Make presentation Either in person or WebEx Presentation includes PowerPoint and demos DELIVERABLE from Viviance: –Mutual NDA to discuss joint initiative –Meeting minutes to customer and to SalesLogix DELIVERABLE from prospect: –Signed NDA –Date for Definition Meeting 30% confidence factor
Definition Meeting Common understanding of joint initiative DELIVERABLE from Viviance: –Meeting minutes to customer and to SalesLogix DELIVERABLE from prospect: –One-page project definition document 50% confidence factor
Proposal Use template, customize to situation BEFORE SUBMITTING TO PROSPECT(!): –Review high-level design concept with a designated Education Designer –Review financial model with Jeff –Review resource requirements and schedule with Christopher –Have someone proof-read it for typos! DELIVERABLE from Viviance: –Proposal to propect and to SalesLogix DELIVERABLE from prospect: –Proposal approval 75% confidence factor
Contract Work through Jeff DELIVERABLE from Viviance: –Contract to prospect and to SalesLogix DELIVERABLE from prospect: –Signed contract –Initial payment 100% confidence factor
Alignment Meeting Formal hand-off to project team TWO meetings –internal –with customer Work closely with Viviance project manager to prepare Alignment Manual
The 4-D Method™
Two-Phase Contracts Alignment/Discovery/Design Development/Deployment