Cell Phone Facts 39% of U.S. citizens have cell phones. 39% of U.S. citizens have cell phones. There is 1 new subscriber every 2 seconds (estimate). There is 1 new subscriber every 2 seconds (estimate).
Cell Phone Facts Only a few states routinely gather data on the role of cell phones in accidents. Only a few states routinely gather data on the role of cell phones in accidents. If you’re driving while talking on a wireless phone, you're four times as likely to have an accident (New England Journal of Medicine). If you’re driving while talking on a wireless phone, you're four times as likely to have an accident (New England Journal of Medicine).
Cell Phone Facts Japan banned driving while talking on mobile phones after the number of traffic accidents related to mobile phones increased by 11% in one year. Japan banned driving while talking on mobile phones after the number of traffic accidents related to mobile phones increased by 11% in one year. Nearly 118,000 wireless calls are made each day to emergency numbers. Nearly 118,000 wireless calls are made each day to emergency numbers.
Ms. Manners on Cell Phones “The correct place for a telephone in a restaurant is not between the bread plate and the wine glass, but on the hat rack in the coat check room.”
ETHICS AND RESPONSIBILITY Using Cell Phones South-Western Educational Publishing