Business Information Management II
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Students will understand the purpose of following project management processes. Students will understand what the four processes (phases) of project management are. Students will apply their knowledge of the first phase of project management, that of Project Definition. 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.
Project Management A set of processes and skills which can achieve positive results. Project Management Project Definition Project Planning Project Execution Project Analysis 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.
Project Definition o What is our project? Brainstorm ideas for a project o What is the main objective for our project? When will it be done? Who needs to be involved? o How will we know when it is done? o What will it look like when it is completed? 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.
Project Planning o Who will be on our project team? Who are our team members and what roles will they have? o What tasks need to be completed? What are the general activities that need to be completed? o What does our task timeline look like? How will we create a schedule so our project is completed by a deadline? 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.
Project Execution o Are the tasks being completed on schedule? Why may there be delays? o Do we need to change our objective? What if we find that our original objective isn’t feasible? o Presentations prepared Create a presentation to the stakeholders of the project o Any other documentation to be prepared Create any other documents that will go with the presentation 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.
Project Analysis o Review success of project What went well What didn’t go so well o Project retrospective – team member contribution Form evaluating member contributions o Individual retrospective Form evaluating your own performance 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.
Less risk involvedProjects completed on time Projects completed within budget Attention to details Benefits of Project Management 9 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.
Independent Practice Assignment #1 – Team Name and Logo Each team for this business project should create a name and logo. The name and logo should be able to attract attention and still be professional. Any Microsoft Office application can be used. These items will need to be included on each of the following documents so there is a consistent theme. Independent Practice Assignment #2 - Project Objective and Criteria Using the examples you have seen that the teacher has demonstrated and that you have completed in your group, decide on your own business project idea. It can be a project that is a real-world project such as the implementation of a new product that you have heard of or the opening of a new business in the area. It can also be planning a school-related event. Determine what your objective will be for the business. This means to provide an approximate date for completion, what people or groups of people will be involved in this process and what do you need to do to get it done (not individual, detailed tasks, but general steps of the total process), similar to what was done previously in a group. Re-create the handout on the computer (using skills learned in BIM I such as creating a table, or create a form using the Developer tab in Office 2007)) and fill in the blanks with your responses. Independent Practice Assignment #3 – Stakeholder Analysis Students will create a document in Microsoft Word that details information regarding the stakeholders of the project. In groups, students will complete the “Stakeholder Analysis” form which students can either create or the instructor can upload it to a shared drive so students can access the form. This will help students focus on everyone who will be involved with a project, from every angle. The assignment will be evaluated using the related rubric. 10 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.
Independent Practice Assignment #4– Publisher Documents Design two documents in Microsoft Publisher advertising what your project will look like upon implementation. For example, if it is a school event, create a flyer that you might use to publicize the event including images (clipart, Internet) and text with all required information. If it is a business reception for a retiring employee, create a document that might be used as an invitation to the reception. Again, include text and graphics that are appropriate for the project. The documents will be evaluated using the assigned rubric. Once all 4 of these assignments are completed, they can be affixed to a poster and displayed. 11 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, All rights reserved.