One Sky Center R. Dale Walker, MD, Director Michelle Singer, Communications Coordinator, ICMI Project Director Doug Bigelow, PhD, Deputy Director
Evidence-Based vs Culture-Based Dilemma What is “Evidence”? Multiple Streams of Evidence The Learning Healthcare System Description: A Scientific Framework Some Culture-Based Interventions
Epistemological gulf Western Traditional AI/AN Epistemological debate Validity of traditional world view Freedom to live by a traditional world view Practical debate Controlling by purse strings
Bridging Evidence is? Status of evidence for EBI How to meet reasonable standards of evidence Practice Improvement Multiple Streams of Evidence Learning Healthcare System
1. Intervention/program research Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) Nonrandomized, uncontrolled Evaluation Adaptation of Proven Intervention Like a Proven Intervention Basis in Proven Theory, Principles, Facts
Criteria: Fidelity Internal Validity (vs confounding variables) External validity Reliability—repeatability. Process: Scientific experts Independent judging and rating Compilation and Summary
Therapeutic power of Choice Self-healing guided by expert healers Uniqueness of interpersonal relationships Complexity of factors
1. Individual studies 2. Reviewed collections 3. Lists of model, best, promising, alternative 4. Survivors of meta-analyses
“Best Practices” = highest scientific standards Balance point Reasonable standards are: Repeatability Achievable within resources and constraints Allow conclusions without intolerable doubt Low risk of harm, if conclusions are wrong
Adoption requires buy-in Acceptance Implementation
Adaptation to unique local culture and context Players Rules, expectations, traditions Resources/collaborations Opportunity to contribute to strategic plan
MI, CBT, SFP, Project Venture, Canoe Journey implementations are unique in every setting Every replication is an Adaptation
The EBI idea is changing SAMHSA: “multiple streams of evidence” IOM: “Learning Healthcare System”
Intervention/program RTC; Evaluation 1. Adaptation of Proven Intervention 2. Analogous to a Proven Intervention 3. Basis in Proven Theory, Principles, Facts
“Operationalization” a way of knowing/believing From black box to detail Consistency with body of knowledge Who, what, when, where, how, decisions Repeatability
Social ecology (influences) Prevention Universal/ selected/ indicated Risk and Resilience Readiness to Change Risk taking/seeking Stress vulnerability Modeling (observational learning) Instrumental learning Group dynamics Conformity, altruism Listening and support Catharsis Psychopharmacology
Screening Gatekeeping Diagnosis Treatment Traditional healing Traditional ritual/ceremony Postvention Parent/family training Group work School/institution-based Education/skills Experiential Socialization/acculturation Public Health (risk/resilience) Services develop/coord L E/justice/corrections Community competency Community change Culture
Story telling Talking circles Sweat Lodge Ceremonies and Ritual Purification Passages Naming Grieving Drumming, singing, dancing Vision Quest Flute playing/ meditation Reconciliation Mentoring Service learning GONA
Cultural Enhancement Through Story Telling (Tohono O’odham Res) AI Strengthening Families Program (U UT ) Across Ages (Mentoring) (Temple U) Creating Lasting Family Connections Dare to Be You (Ute Res) With Eagles Wings (N. Arapaho Nat) Families That Care—Guiding Good Choices
Families and Schools Together (Rural Wisconsin Res) Parenting Wisely Preparing for Drug Free Years Project Alert Project Venture (NIYLP) Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies Zuni Life Skills (Zuni Pueblo)
Deal with Epistemological Gulf Know limitations of Evidence in EBI Agree upon “Practice Improvement” Goal Make credibility gains with “Scientific Framework” for Description Use existing practices and knowledge as evidence for similar CBI
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