Hazards Of Texting And Driving By Lizette Vasquez Jimmy Hoang
Our company is trying to inform young viewers (teens) that drive, about the importance of texting while driving.Texting while driving is a distraction as well as death trap to any and all drivers, who text while driving. Including those who suffer from the mistake of the driver that can be permanently scarred.
Facts and Statistics Texting a driver is 23 times more likely to get into an accident than a person that’s not texting. Only 37 states prohibit cell phone use while driving 5 seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road. When traveling at 55mph, that’s enough time to cover the length of a football field 995 crashes were because of them being distracted by a text message. In 2011 at least 23% of auto collisions involved cellphones…that’s 1.3 million crashes Teens who text while driving spend approximately 10% of their driving time outside of their lane
Texting While Driving Is: Teens who text while driving spend approximately 10% of their driving time outside of their lane Even though its only 10%, that small 10 can turn into something even bigger. It can cause a severe accident and possibly permanently damage you or the person you got into an accident with. 10 is a small number until it costs you your life. The number one driving distraction reported by teenagers Teenagers are more inclined to be active on their phones, compared to adults or elderly. Because the internet and social media rests at their fingertips, its more provoking for them to want to use it to text.
Texting While Driving Causes: 1,600,000 accidents per year with that high of a number it’s obvious that texting while driving is something that needs to be taking more seriously by teen drivers 330,000 injuries per year out of those 1,600,000 accidents 330,000 people are close to saying goodbye to their lives. 11 teen deaths everyday That’s about 4,015 deaths every year. Causes nearly 25% of accidents every year. ¼ is a big portion of accidents that are caused by one tiny device
Solutions: What you can do to prevent this Silence is key! If you leave you’re phone on silent (or better yet off!) you will not have as much of an urge to use it because you wont hear or be alerted as to when you get something “important” Out of sight out of mind Keeping it directly out of your view will give you more focus on your driving and safety rather than a new IM Where is it? Leave it home! Of course we all know sometimes we need a phone for emergencies or long distance trips incase anything happens however, when going on short distance trips to a store, a fast food chain, etc, leave your phone at home. It’s not on you so no urge, no distractions, just you! Airplane mode If you put your phone on airplane mode, it normally blocks advertisements, calls, and even texts. So if you feel you need a little more self control, airplane mode is the way to go!
Overview As you can see, it’s plainly obvious that texting while driving is an issue that needs to be taken more seriously. With technology advancing we don’t know what knew devices can come out. Technology is a gift and a curse. Making things easier, including making accidents happen easier. Our company would like to show you the importance of knowing how easily you can lose your life due to this. It is important you know what it can do. It’s not only to inform and protect you from it, but to also to prevent you, from doing it yourself. Keep yourself and others safe! Pass this on to inform all!