In Danger
Damage - повреждение Deforestation – вырубка леса Destroy - уничтожать Habitat – среда обитания Homeless - бездомный Pollute - загрязнять Species – виды животных Heron - цапля Trout - форель Otter - выдра
What group of animals is it? Mammals Amphibians Insects Fish Birds Reptiles
Match the animal with the right group GroupAnimal MammalsSalmon, sharks AmphibiansEagles, swans InsectsCrocodiles, snakes FishDogs, horses BirdsFrogs ReptilesBees
Reptiles ….. Are cold – blooded creatures with scales and they lay eggs.
Birds …. Have feathers and wings and they lay eggs. Most of them can fly.
Fish … are creatures that live in the water and have fins and a tail.
Amphibians … are creatures that can live both on land and in the water.
Insects … are small animals with six legs. Most, but not all, have wings, too.
Mammals … are animals that give birth to their babies and feed them milk.
What problem do animals usually face? Water pollution Deforestation New houses Farmers destroyment Tourism
True or False? 1.Wildlife habitats come to all sizes. 2.Building new houses has destroyed the most habitats. 3.You can find squirrels in woodlands and forests. 4.Herons and trout are in danger because of farms and factories. 5.There are no otters left now. 6.Only wildlife charities can save the habitats that are in danger. 7.A balcony can become a habitat. T NS T T F F T
How can we make sure that the countryside remains unspoiled and that more habitats are not destroyed?
Literature В.Эванс. “Spotlight 9”, издательство «Просвещение», 2013 г. &ei=TRIOU_yPJpHY4QTZ5YCwCA&ved=0CAQQ qi4oAg