Life After Check In Check Out: Social/Academic Instructional Groups Presented by Eisenhower Junior High School Schaumburg School District 54 Trish Gancer, School Psychologist Eunice Hernandez, School Social Worker Beth Knief, Guidance Counselor Scott Ross, Assistant Principal
Eisenhower Junior High School Hoffman Estates, IL 571 Students Race/Ethnicity: White 34% Hispanic 30% Asian 17% Black 13% Student Characteristics Low-Income 26% Limited English Proficient 9% IEP 12% Academic-ISAT 2010 Results 94.4% Meet/Exceed in Math 92.8% Meet/Exceed in Reading Scott
PBIS at Eisenhower JHS Tier 1 (Universal) Tier 2 (Secondary) 6th Year Team of 15 Teachers Tier 2 (Secondary) 3rd Year Team of 12 Multi-Disciplinary Staff Tier 3 (Tertiary) In 1st Year Tier 2 slow roll out due to ensuring intervention success Trish
Eisenhower S/AIG: Group Types Pro-Social Skills Problem Solving Skills Academic Behavior Skills Started groups October 3rd First full year of implementation Beth
Eisenhower S/AIG: Implementation Facilitators School Psychologist, School Social Worker, Guidance Counselor, Speech/Language Pathologist, Private Agency Therapists 2-3 Per Group Lesson Planning Meet Once/Week Schedule Rotating Curriculum Research-Based Facilitators—two or more Curriculum—created internally from various research-based sources Lesson Planning—meet weekly to discuss lesson Format—entrance, lighting, tickets, candy, powerpoint, videos, lesson, debrief Schedule—rotation Eunice, Trish, Beth
Eisenhower S/AIG: Entrance Criteria Tier 2 Problem-Solving Team 2 Office Discipline Referrals in a 4-week period Lack of Suitable Progress (under 80%) on CICO-DPR in a 4-week period Student/Parent Referral IEP Counseling Minutes IEP Counseling Minutes—all students with IEP counseling goals and minutes are automatically entered in to SAIG Tier 2 Problem-Solving Team—meets weekly on Friday to review data and entrance and exit criteria ODR Student Referral—students can self-refer Eunice
Eisenhower S/AIG: Grouping Pro-Social Skills IEP Goals Similar Problem Behaviors Group Efficacy Problem Solving Skills Academic Behavior Skills Homework Completion Data Scott
Eisenhower S/AIG: Progress Monitoring Tier 2 Problem Solving Meetings Students Monitored Weekly Office Discipline Referrals IEP Counseling Goals S/AIG Group Daily Progress Report Group Goals “What to Do” Daily Feedback on Skills Learned in Group Scott
S/AIG Teacher Initials /6 Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totals Goal 1 -Problem Solving DPR Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totals Goal 1 I followed the classroom expectations (3 B’s). Goal 2 I responded to others appropriately (respectful, volume, body lang., words, facial exp, etc) Goal 3 I used my resources appropriately today (sought out support for: understanding, directions, clarification, conflicts, concerns, etc.) Teacher Initials /6 /54 NAME: PARENT SIGNATURE:______________________________ To be returned daily.
Eisenhower S/AIG: Exit Criteria S/AIG Group Daily Progress Report Average of 80% points over a 4-week period Office Discipline Referrals No ODRs over the same 4-week period Beth
Eisenhower S/AIG: Current Data Responding to S/AIG: Criteria Daily Progress Report 80% Average over 4 week period No Office Discipline Referrals related to group goal in same 4-week period Pro-Social Skills Group (9 Students in 2 Groups) 55% (5) Responding Problem Solving Skills Group (4 Students) 50% (2) Responding Academic Behavior Group (16 Students in 2 Groups) 50% (8) Responding (5 from group facilitated by Private Agency) Eunice- Pro Social two groups based on need (functioning level). Problem Solving- Hard Core students, usually seen as most difficult to work worth, they usually refuse to problem solve, have shown improvement. Academic- Two groups, Outside Community Agency Support, One group is mostly IEP students based on academic goals, and the other Gen Ed students, homework club data.
Eisenhower S/AIG: “Growing Pains” Scheduling the Groups Different Week to Week S/AIG Daily Progress Reports Writing Goals that are Classroom Appropriate Many DPR Cards to Manage Lesson Planning Group Size 98% of Group Members are IEP/504 Systems Issues Everyone
Eisenhower S/AIG in Action: Format Problem Solving Skills Group 6-Week Open Group Meets 1 Period a Week Co-Facilitators Guidance Counselor School Social Worker School Psychologist Student Composition 4 Students with Emotional Disability 1 Student with Learning Disability Curriculum Everyone
Problem-Solving THE RIGHT WAY!!!!! Session 3
Expectations Problem-Solving Show Respect- listening, raising your hand, taking turns speaking, sitting up Show Responsibility- coming on time, having your DPR card ready. Be Safe – staying seated, placing books/materials on the side. Remember: Confidentiality!! What is said in the room stays in the room!
Put on your Thinking Caps! Why is it important to learn appropriate problem solving skills? It is important to learn appropriate problem solving skills because it will help decrease or eliminate the problem. Activity time! Look at the following slide and determine how many squares you see.
How many squares do you see? 30
Discussion: How many squares did you see? Review answers with students. Some will say 16, 20 etc. Demonstrate all of the different combinations of squares. Some students see up to 32 squares. Does everyone think or react in the same way? It is important to know that everyone takes in the information differently! Talking it out is an important tool to aid in understanding that there are usually more solutions to a problem than you can “see” at first.
Role Plays Students will practice the skills from this lesson in "real life” role play situations. Come prepared with some examples for the students to use.
You got The skill…. Now USE IT!! There's always a Solution to the problem.
Eisenhower S/AIG in Action: Video Enter Role Play/Ending Enter—upon entrance they are given a piece of candy and must sit at matching piece of candy around table, ask for DPR card, reinforce for bringing DPR and being on time, group expectations Everyone Lesson—lighting, reinforce for red tickets for participation, visual presentation of lesson, two facilitators, activity, Lesson
Eisenhower JHS Thanks You! Feel Free to Visit Our School’s Website for More Information on Our S/AIG Program Feel Free to Email Any of Us—We’d Love to Hear from You!