CSCL Lecture B: Examples from the laboratories and field experiments Jari Laru, University Teacher, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Oulu
From PPT by Jermann, P. Scripting collaboration with ManyScripts
video-ipad lukujen-taitteessa?u=larux&c=mobiililuento ja-viestinttekniikan-perusteet-opintojaksolla-tvt- opetuskytn-historia
1850 -> Virtual classroom Learning management systems Sosial media Short history of distance learning Kuvat Wikimedia Commons Anu Pruikkonen (2011) tunturilapissa
Learning environments are rapidly changing 1/2 Future Learning Environment 3 - nstudy - nStudy.pdf nStudy.pdf Gstudy / Learning Kit nstudy ohjeita (LET) -
Learning environments are.. 2/2 Group awareness widget, Kreijns, kirchner & johchems (2002)
Roomware & augmented reality 1/3 Tinkertable: Tinkersheets: “ Traditional learning technologies fit with students who sit on a chair in front of a table with a computer in a quiet environment. What is the potential of learning technologies for students who move all the time, carry objects, may have dirty hands and work in a noisy environment? Are learning technologies irrelevant for them or should we develop new ways to use technologies that are more appropriate to these contexts? ” Leading House - DUAL T project: Integrating technologies in heterogeneous contexts, CRAFT-EPFL Switzerland
Roomware… 2/3 An Interactive Table for Supporting Participation Balance in Face-to-Face Collaborative LearningBachour, Khaled ; Kaplan, Frédéric ; Dillenbourg, Pierre Accepted in: IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2010 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, ISSN: Bachour, Khaledc ; Dillenbourg,: IEEE Transactions The table, Reflect, addresses the issue of unbalanced participation during group discussions. By displaying on its surface a shared visualization of member participation, Reflect is meant to encourage participants to avoid the extremes of over- and under-participation.
“Outdoor ware” 3/3
pedagogiset-perusteet-tietokoneavusteinen-yhteisllinen-oppiminen-cscl if-interpersonal.doc Kaplan, F., DoLenh, S., Bachour, K., Kao, G. Y.-ing, Gault, C., Dillenbourg, P., Huang, J., et al. (2009). Interactive Artifacts and Furniture Supporting Collaborative Work and Learning (Vol. 10, pp. 1-17). Boston, MA: Springer US. Retrieved from : (interpersonal computers)
Roomware Tangibles Tangibles Phidgets Wearables PiFeJhwS4
What was emergent yesterday is contemporary technology today
Roschelle, J., & Pea, R. (2002). A walk on the WILD side: how wireless handhelds may change CSCL, Retrieved from ?id= “His 2002 paper with Roy Pea, "Walk on the Wild Side," has been influential in understanding the future possibilities for wireless handheld learning devices”
Fig. 2. Gartner's Hype Curve and development of ‘mobile learning’.
Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12 learners Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance education community 1st generation: mobile versions of desktop tools: FLE3mobile wlan 2nd generation: context- aware peer-to-peer mobile tools: flyers mobile encounter network (bluetooth) 3nd generation: mobile social media: mobile clients + flickr + wordpress + wikispaces + google reader 3G connectivity mLearning
Reality in year 2011: Educational use of social media tools is approaching mainstream..
From PPT by Jermann, P. Scripting collaboration with ManyScripts