Documenting Ongoing ELD Progress Using the Secondary ELD Assessment REF Amaris Rivas Coordinator’s Meeting April 10, 2008
Objective 1) To clarify district – wide policy and procedures for documenting secondary English learner progress. 2) Explore how coordinators can provide guidance to teachers in documenting student progress. 3) Define roles of the school, E.L. Coordinator and the ESL teacher in implementing and maintaining the portfolios in an organized, systematic manner.
Objective 1 To clarify district – wide policy and procedures for documenting secondary English learner progress.
What do you already know when it comes to portfolio policy and procedures? Portfolios First implemented July 1, 2004 in it’s current form Facilitates the monitoring of student progress Towards success in mainstream English instruction. Demonstrates student progress in four domains Meets state requirements
Purpose: ELD Standards identify the pathway to achieving the California English Language Arts Content Standards Adequate progress is determined by a student’s classroom performance as documented on the Secondary ELD Assessment Portfolio. The District’s Secondary ELD Assessment Portfolio is a state approved tool to systematically document student progress through ESL courses and beyond.
Documenting Student Progress The portfolio must be used to determine student readiness to promote to the next ESL level or be retained in the same level. Portfolios must be shared with parents and staff during parent conferences, IEP meetings, LAT’s as well as with receiving teachers.
Establishing new portfolios for new students. Affix a label on the front cover Section 1 write month and year the student entered his/her current Master Plan program. Section 2 DPI code and date: SIS fields 371or 994(level) and 372 or 943 (date) Section 3 ELD History writ month and year the semester will end in school year column. Give portfolios to teachers, provide crates, or strong containers to provide protection for the portfolios.
Activity Use the information provided to fill out the font page of the portfolio.
Interim Portfolios New students enrolling form another school or district. Use a letter size file folder. Affix a name label to the folder. Insert the appropriate portfolio page for the student’s ESL level. When the portfolio arrives, the teachers should transfer information onto the portfolio. After a semester or 6 months if the portfolio has yet to arrive the coordinator will issue an ELD assessment portfolio for that student, transfer all information form the interim folder to the new portfolio. If the portfolio arrives after a while once again transfer information to the original portfolio, NO STUDENT SHOULD HAVE MORE THEN ONE PORTFOLIO.
Objective 2 Explore how coordinators can provide guidance to teachers in documenting student progress.
Activity Give One get One Think about one way that you provide guidance and support to the E.L. teachers at your school. Write one idea on the first section. Speak to 3 other coordinators and gather one idea from each. Share with the people at your table.
Teacher support Teachers are responsible for evaluating their ESL student’s progress in relation to the California ELD standards. These scores are recorded on the ELD Assessment Portfolio as part of the 4 domains of ELD: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.
Repeating students Shaded columns are provided for students who are repeating the same level, in this case a comment from the teacher is warranted. Should the student be repeating for the third time the teacher should photocopy a half sheet of the domains and staple it over the folder allowing to still see the past semester. AN LAT SCHOULD BE DOCUMENTED.
Processing the portfolio at the end of the semester. ESL teachers determine if a student has meet the standards for the particular level. Teacher marks the grade which aligns with the ELD Assessment Alignment Document. Teacher prints date, name, initials, and pass or repeat on the portfolio. A failing student must repeat the level and a teacher’s comment is again warranted.
Cont… Permanent documents go in the portfolio pocket. (double dagger) “Pass through” items (*) go clipped together and placed in the portfolio for the next teacher to review and discard. PRP portfolios are monitored by the E.L. Coordinator (you) until they graduate or reclassify. The E.L. Coordinator marks on the front cover the title of the course, final mark and date
Transmitting and receiving the portfolio at the beginning of the semester At the end of the semester, the E.L. Coordinator must collect and process the portfolios to ensure proper implementation and monitoring student ELD progress. Update section 1 Master Plan Program Noting in section 3 ELD History Repeating students have teacher comments Compiling a list of students who need intervention. Document LATs
Transferring Portfolios between schools Official transfer of portfolios is through the CUMS LAUSD has an accepted alternative procedure for transferring portfolios between LAUSD schools.
Reclassified students Once a student Reclassifies their portfolio is officially “retired” Write the date the student reclassifies in section 7 and circle yes to indicate that a label has been printed and affixed to the CUM card.
Documenting ELD intervention Inside the school day: SDAIE methods Re-teaching One on one Small group After school tutoring NOT officially documented on the portfolio, but may be mentioned in the teacher’s comments Outside the school day : Summer school Intersession Emergency Immigrant Educational Program (EIEP) MUST be documented in section 3 PRP students are documented in section 6
Objective 3 Define roles of the Administrator, E.L. Coordinator and the ESL teacher in implementing and maintaining the portfolios in an organized, systematic manner.
ELD Assessment Portfolio Administrator ELD Coordinator ESL Teacher
Administrator Attended High Point Administrative trainings. Visit ESL classes, monitor High Point Implementation. Conduct periodic portfolio reviews.
E.L. Coordinator Participate in High Point trainings Ensure that all ESL teachers receive training. Communicate District mandated policies and procedures. Maintain a sufficient stock of portfolios Open new portfolios Establish a system for collecting and distributing portfolios. Between teachers and schools Reviews portfolios Maintain PRP portfolios Safeguard portfolios between sessions Retire reclassified portfolios
ESL Teacher Attend High Point trainings. Maintain and update portfolios for each student Administer and record all High Point required assessment Report scores for each domain on the portfolio. At the end of the course enter final grade and other required information. Update the front cover Safeguard the portfolios Review student progress through portfolio analysis Use work samples and assessment to determine LAT referrals. Use portfolios when conferencing with students and parents Maintain comments for all failing students on the portfolio
Gracias Thanks for your attention Amaris Rivas Belvedere Middle School ELD Coordinator (323)