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Employee Selection Process
Contents Introduction Attracting the right employees Application as screening tool Screening resumes Interview Basics Structured interviewed techniques Evaluating motivation to perform the job Importance of selection and recruitment How to use testing? Background checks Making final selection decision
The Organization in the employment environment Employee selection in any organization is open to influence from the outside. A number of environmental factors can affect an organization’s effort to hire and retain a workforce Organization Organized labor Law and political climate National and global economy Behavioral and social science Science and technology Culture and subculture Available labor supply Competition Customers Links between an organization and the surrounding environment. Links between the organization and environmental components are 2-way indicating a reciprocal relationship
Which benefits do employees find most desirable? The following are the top ten employee priorities based on needs, fears, and goals Feeling secure in job Having financial security Savings for child’s tuition Preparing for retirement Savings for a home Retiring early Furthering my education outside work Making more money Staying healthy Having more tiime for family
Ways of advertising Advertising is an ‘Umbrella’ that covers much more than the classified section in your local newspaper. Advertising costs your company money, but it gives you control over the message, the medium, and the timing News PapersNews LettersEmployment PublicationsRecruiting agencies Direct MailJob FairsInternetPublic relations
Checklist for attracting the right employees Make sure your organization is a great place to work. Part of doing that is having innovative recruiting processes In convincing the best people to join your organization, benefits that are consistent with employees needs are important, but not the most important concern Recruiting involves marketing. Know your geographic market, then use a mix of media to get your recruiting message out to those you want to apply Media to consider when recruiting include newspapers, newsletters, regional employment magazines, direct mail, radio, job fairs, and the internet. A public relations firm can help you get your message out as well Evaluate you recruiting methods to see if you are getting the results you want
The Pros and Cons of resumes versus applications Pros Cons ApplicationsResumes Straight forward Structured Limit embellishment Easier to evaluate Close ended – limited creativity More expensive to develop and distribute Open ended; promote creativity Allow applicants to emphasize what they feel is important Allow applicants to ‘hang’ themselves Less expensive and easier to solicit Allow applicants to omit information Foster embellishment Harder to evaluate
Resume screening checklist The next thing you need to know is what should be included on the resume screening checklist Overall appearanceLayoutExperienceEducation and credentialsRelevant affiliations and activitiesReferences
Why some traditional interviews do not work? Lack of clear interview purpose Lack of clearly defined positions competencies Lack of interview structure Lack of preparation Poor follow-up questioning techniques Legal liability Allowing bias to influence the interview
What is motivational fit? The level of alignment or agreement between what a person expects or wishes to receive from a job and what the job can actually offer. These factors can include aspects of the work itself or characteristics associated with the work
Selection systems as stock portfolios Let’s consider an example that should help strengthen the similarities. Let’s say that you have identified 5 competency areas that make up the successful profile of a production team member. It would be nice if there were one test that could cover all these areas, but that is not realistic. Instead we should look at putting together a portfolio of tests or interviews that will effectively cover these competencies. 20% - Team work 15% - Attention to detail 20% - Flexibility 15% - Respon- sibility 30% - Problem solving Let us see about the types of tests in our next slide
Why should you do background checks? Consider the following points An inquiry conducted by a congressional subcommittee discovered that over 30 million people had gained employment by false information on their resumes Violence in the workplace is a “disgruntled employee” has become a common character description in the news Research suggests that as many as one out of five applicants provide false information on their resumes
What job-relevant elements should you check? Checking references This involves talking with people who are familiar with candidate’s work history and asking appropriate questions Checking credentials Verifying educational degrees, certification, and licenses Checking training needs Knowing a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses before you hire him or her
Learn Management the Easy Way with the Help of Downloadable Power-point Presentations - Learn at Your Own Pace. Just Download the Presentation and Run the Slide-Show. This is a DEMO Course On – Employee Selection Process. The Complete Course Consists of 88 Slides. Click here to Register Now Click here to Register Now & Download Your Set of 6 Free Powerpoint Presentations with total of more than 1,000 Sl i des. 75 Courses Added So far with more than 15,000 Slides + New Courses Added Every Week. – Click here to Go to All CoursesClick here to Go to All Courses Learn Management the Easy Way with the Help of Downloadable Power-point Presentations - Learn at Your Own Pace. Just Download the Presentation and Run the Slide-Show. This is a DEMO Course On – Employee Selection Process. The Complete Course Consists of 88 Slides. Click here to Register Now Click here to Register Now & Download Your Set of 6 Free Powerpoint Presentations with total of more than 1,000 Sl i des. 75 Courses Added So far with more than 15,000 Slides + New Courses Added Every Week. – Click here to Go to All CoursesClick here to Go to All Courses ManagementStudyGuide.com