Group 2 GVD Class 2 : Present Tenses Mark Holloway
What are the grammatical differences between the following pairs of sentences? What difference in meaning does the grammar create? S. I often read in bed. C. I’m a reading a novel by Charles Bukowski. S. I live in London. C. I’m living in Wivenhoe. S. I work as an English teacher. C. I’m working at the University of Essex.
S. I wear contact lenses. C. I’m wearing a shirt. S. I think you’re the most intelligent students I’ve ever taught. C. Shut up! I’m thinking! S. I love my mom! C. I’m loving it here in Colchester! S. Abdulaziz sleeps for eight hours every night. C. Abdulaziz is sleeping. Can you make any rules for when we should use the present simple and when we should use the present continuous?
One of these statements is false. Which one? I love cats. I cook more often than my mother. I hardly ever use an umbrella.
And which one of these statements is not true? I’m feeling tired. I’m trying very hard to lose weight. These days I’m not eating as much chocolate as I normally do.