PLEASE READ THROUGH THE TIPS BELOW ON HOW TO BEST MANAGE YOUR POWERPOINT PAGES AND DESIGN: This presentation provides a range of layout options in the MASTER SLIDES section. You can click on any of the page and layout designs to add them to your presentation. You delete the master slides by: Go to Themes>Edit Master>Slide Master> Chose and delete unused slides Remember; when you have finished your presentation delete the master slide layout options that were not used, to reduce the overall megabyte size of your file. This means you won’t have any unwanted design slides and images making your presentation larger than it needs to be. REDUCING FILE SIZE: Remove cropped picture regions; this deletes any area of image that falls outside the page borders, helping to reduce file size. Color options are already defined within the Northwestern Medicine theme; please use these colors for type, tables, boxes and charts. SAVE your file to reduce the size, choose from the relative options: screen, and print. PowerPoint will help manage the file size for you. Remember to send your imported images to the back of the layout, so any type, tables or the Northwestern Medicine tangent appears in the correct order. ARRANGE>SEND TO BACK> ! Please read and delete this slide
Title Calibri 40pt Secondary Title Calibri 24pt Presented to: Insert relevant presenter information Calibri 18pt Presented on: Month day, Year Presented by: Insert relevant presenter information here
Title Calibri 40pt Second Line of Title Secondary Title Calibri 24pt Second Line of Title Presented to: Insert relevant presenter information Calibri 18pt Presented on: Month day, Year Presented by: Insert relevant presenter information here
Section Title Calibri 28pt Second Line of Title Third Line of Title Secondary Section Title Calibri 20pt Second Line of Title Third Line of Title
Section Title Calibri 28pt Second Line of Title Third Line of Title Secondary Section Title Calibri 20pt Second Line of Title Third Line of Title
6 Title Calibri Regular 28pt Second Line of Title First level bullet 17pt Calibri Regular. -Second level bullet 17 Calibri Regular. Third level bullet 14pt Calibri Regular. Fourth level bullet 14pt Calibri Regular. Fifth level bullet 14pt Calibri Regular. Bullet hangs on left margin, copy aligns with Title, Subtitle and “Northwestern Medicine” logo text. Pulvinar egestas. Sed condimentum sapien quis ullamcorper tristique. Nulla facilisi. Quisque fermentum velit sit amet laoreet sagittis. Subtitle 20pt Calibri Regular Second Line of Subtitle
7 Title Calibri Regular 28pt First level bullet 17pt Calibri Regular. -Second level bullet 17 Calibri Regular. Third level bullet 14pt Calibri Regular. Fourth level bullet 14pt Calibri Regular. Fifth level bullet 14pt Calibri Regular. Bullet hangs on left margin, copy aligns with Title, Subtitle and “Northwestern Medicine” logo text. Pulvinar egestas. Sed condimentum sapien quis ullamcorper tristique. Nulla facilisi. Quisque fermentum velit sit amet laoreet sagittis. Subtitle 20pt Calibri Regular
8 Bullet hangs on left margin, copy aligns with Content Header, Title, Subtitle and “Northwestern Medicine” logo text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris dui mauris. Title Calibri Regular 28pt Content Header 17 Calibri Regular Subtitle 20pt Calibri Regular Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris dui mauris. At mi pharetra, pulvinar pellentesque dolor. Aenean dignissim risus nec neque tincidunt iaculis in nec neque. Content Header
9 Title Calibri Regular 28pt Content Header 17 Calibri Regular Bullet hangs on left margin, copy aligns with Content Header, Title, Subtitle and “Northwestern Medicine” logo text. Subtitle 20pt Calibri Regular Placeholder on right can be used for tables, charts, photos, clipart or media. If placing an image, size per the placeholder and bleed to edge. Use of Content Placeholder on Right
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