BOCES = Board of Educational Services BOCES = Board of COOPERATIVE Educational Services The Mission of our Tompkins- Seneca-Tioga Board of Cooperative Educational Services is to identify, to propose, and to provide high quality services, for children and for all the customers served, which are economical and efficient in their operation, and which complement the educational programs provided by the local school districts and other agencies in our region. 2
BOCES provides: Specialized Education Opportunities Leadership for Current Educational Initiatives/Mandates Shared Services Cross-Contracts with other BOCES 3
Specialized Educational Services Exceptional Education Alternative Education Career and Technical Education 4
Leadership for Current Educational Initiatives/Mandates Race to the Top (Common Core Learning Standards, Teacher Evaluation, Data Driven Instruction) – Network Team Dignity for All Students Act – Youth Development Specialists Response to Intervention (RTI). Inclusive Education and Specially Designed Instruction – SESIS and Inclusive Education Specialist 5
Shared Services Technology Employee Benefits Coordination Energy Management School Improvement & Data Services Employee Health and Safety Fingerprinting Bus Driver Training Central Business Office Solid Waste Services Itinerant Teachers & Other Shared Staff Regional Summer School 6
Cross Contracts Policy Manual (Erie 1) State Aid Management (DCMO) Computer Hardware Connectivity Collective bidding 7
TST BOCES Grant Procurement Totals F.Y Youth Development …………………………………………. $105,296 Drug Quiz …………………………………………………….. $6,633 Youth Action …………………………………………………... $6,120 Tobacco Free Schools ……………………………………… $93,568 Special Education School Improvement Service ….……...…$156,072 School Library ……………………………………………… $73,349 School Library Extra…………………………………………. $2,573 School Library Automation……………………………………..$7,335 LSTA (Library) …………………………………………………$5,470 School Library Supplemental…………………………………$38,513 Perkins Grant ………………………………………………….$97,597 Continuing/Adult Education ……………………..…………$110,870 Tompkins County Community Justice …………….…………$34,320 Office of Temp. & Disability Act Food Stamp Venture……. $38,500 Office of Temp. & Disability Assistance Ed. Resources ….…$238,754 Employment Preparation Education Aid ………..…………$505,515 Workforce Investment Act Title II ………………..…………$100,000 Virtual Advanced Placement Grant (.5 eLearning Spec…….$23,450 (Total JMT grant, with staff & services accessible to TST =$1,353,733) TOTAL $1,643,935 8
9 RWADA #1218 % of the Total RWADA 8.84% RWADA Aid Ratio 57.5% # of Students in C & T Current C & T 3 Year Avg Projected C & T 3 Year Avg # of Students in Spec. Ed # of Students in Alt. Ed Current Contract Amount$3,186,144 % of BOCES Services9.38% (March 25, 2013)
% Change: 1.35% Due to Changes on Preliminary Service Requests and expense reductions of a little over $466,731 in Itinerants Non Instructional Support Cross Contracts Instructional Support Capital Budget 10
EXPENDITURES CURRENTPROPOSED 100 Salaries [12.88 FTE ’s] $1,252,869$1,319, Equipment $12,800$11, Supplies $28,965$28, Contractual $212,197$233, Cross Contract $4,045$7, Transfers to Other Budgets $99,437$95, RAN Interest $600, Retiree Benefits $1,024,044$1,046,347 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,228,357 $3,341,844 % Change in Expenses 3.52% REVENUE CURRENTPROPOSED Investment Interest $75,000 Misc. $3,000 TOTAL REVENUE $78,000 *Net Cost to Schools $3,150,357 $3,263,844 % Change of Net Cost to Schools 3.60% 11
Proposed % Increase % Over Total Increase Current Budget Salaries ? ? *All agreements are currently up for negotiation Health Insurance 6.5%.69% 4 New Retirees Retirement 25.17% 1.71% Other Benefits.11% DENTAL INSURANCE, DISABILITY, FICA, UNEMPLOYMENT, WORKERS’ COMP. 12
The Capital Budget, of $ 623,612 includes Rental of Facilities and any Renovation or New Construction Projects such as the EPC. 13
Unlike local school districts, BOCES does not have an unappropriated fund balance. BOCES must operate on a $0 budget every year. Any excess funds at the end of the year are returned to the districts. 14
Program Proposed % Proposed Amount C&T Education 2.55%$4,958,185 Exceptional Education.45%$9,142,630 Itinerants (SPANISH, ART, ESL, MUSIC, SCHOOL COUNSELOR, HOME & CAREERS, EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATION, SCHOOL LUNCH, INTERNAL AUDITOR) 11.15%$1,989,488 Instructional Services (LIGHTHOUSE, COMMUNITY SCHOOL, COOPERATIVE ENRICHMENT, SUMMER SCHOOL) 3.38%$2,648,623 Instructional Support (TECHNOLOGY, PRINTING, SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT, HOME INSTRUCTION) 7.20%$3,212,916 Non-Instructional Support (BUS DRIVER TRAINING, SUBSTITUTE CALLING, WEH&S, WASTE REMOVAL, CBO, ENERGY MGMT. COORDINATOR) 4.33%$2,090,892 Cross Contracts (DATA PROCESSING, RIC, SCIENCE KITS, NEGOTIATIONS, STATE AID PLANNING) 1.12%$7,330,138 16
Efforts to Contain T-S-T BOCES Costs Maximized Enrollments in Classes (reduced sections) Reduced Expenditures For Equipment and Supplies Additional Administrative Duties: CBO Energy Management Additional Itinerants Reduced Conference Cost (Limiting, Video Conferencing, Food) Aggressively Securing Grant Funding (NYSERDA, EPC, Federal) Reduced Fleet Vehicle Pool Joined the Energy Management Service 17
What Have We Done Lately to Save Districts Dollars? New Services: Shared claims auditing Expanded the CBO Shared tax collecting Distance Learning COSER Cost Reductions: Relocate Community School to main campus Looking at: Human Resources Management (now made legal and aidable) 2 nd Energy Performance Contract 18
By law, the Component Boards of Education must vote on the BOCES Administrative Budget and Nominations for the BOCES Board. That vote must take place between April 16 & April 30. This year we have open Board positions in the following districts: Candor, Dryden, George Jr., Trumansburg. The vote is taking place on Wednesday, April