What Is Smart Home It should use computers Integrate work, learning and living into home It should hide the technique and details of how it works
Who Will use it Handicapped people Sick People Old People Ultimately every body
Motivations Energy Saving( lighting) Security Home shopping Protection from hazards ( Fire, Flood,carbon monoxide)
Advantages Help Inhabitants live a happy and safe life Performs tasks automatically Relieve stress of managing a house
Safety - Hazard warning systems - Emergency call, health hazard Energy saving -Temperature control -Domestic device management -Consumption monitoring
Comfort - Smart devices -Voice control -Situation dependent effects
Hazard warning systems The main goal is to detect dangerous states in a room and report them to the user - Detection of Explosive Gases(methane) - Early Smoke/Fire Detection -H2 selective metal oxide gas sensor -Detection of Toxic Gases(CO,CO2)
Some of things Smart home does Wake Up home owner in morning present them with information when they need it help plan for good meals look After things when they are gone keep out intruders monitor smart devices andschedule maintenance
Example of what it can do Can specify exactly who is able to enter your property,When,where, for what time period and what priveleges Ex: Gardener can enter garden but not home He can use netterminal for irrigation He can use PIN, wireless badge or smart card to identify himself
Examples Lonworks network for home owners:(offer dynamic value added services) -Remote appliance servicing - Energy management - Security monitoring
Electric utility Companies install lonwork Intelligent utility meters to reduce the cost and increase quality of electric service Allow consumers to enable or disable energy usage for home Can save homeowner money
Appliance manufacturers can offer monitoring services that automatically dispatches repair technicians if a dishwasher, stove or washing machine requires service. Security companies: provide enhanced levels of security: alarms, motion sensors,cameras, and lights
Opportunities for Manufacturers New Revenue generating services Gain useful data about their products and customers Improve brand value Increase customer retention ex: Manufacturers of dishwashers collect data can be used to increase sales and improve future product features.
They can use network connection to add new functionality to their products: - For fee upgrades -on pay-per-use -Free incentive to build customer loyalty - Remote diagnosis capabilities can anticipate appliance failure and trigger service call