Sustainable energy consumption system in the city of Kherson Skopje 2011 Andrii Barulin Municipal energy service company in the city of Kherson Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
INTRODUCTION increases in energy prices Bad energy management lack of analysis tools insufficient knowledge about energy saving opportunities Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Overall objective - Sustainable energy consumption system in the city of Kherson Immediate objectives - Disign municipal energy plan in October 2011 Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
STAKEHOLDERS 1. City Hall of Kherson Municipality – main stakeholder and implementer (owner) 2. Schools, kindergartens, hospitals and clinics etc. 3. Residents multifamily buildings - Home Owners' Associations 4. Heat Supply Companies 5. Municipal Heating Reform Project in Ukraine (MHR) – main funder.
Outputs and expected Outcomes Reduction of Energy consumption, payment for energy, local contributions to CO2 emissions; finance tools for energy efficiency projects, Energy efficient behaviour 2.Trained experts of energy management, energy supply companies and the city administration process MEP 1.Created Energy Management office. Appointment of experts of energy managers Defining the needs 3. Implemented of Information System (MEIS) Appointment of a specialist, responsible for implementing and managing MEIS. Installing MEIS. training. Develop plan for energy saving measures Data collection and analysis 4.Designed MEP Pilot energy audits of 15 buildings energy audit heat supply systems Appointment of the team for training. 3 Training workshops. Organisation of cooperation wit h other government agencies
Where am I at the moment? The project cycle Planning Implementing/ Monitoring Evaluating Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
RISKS Have not political risk economic risk Legislative risk Have Technical risks Human factor Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
PROJECT MANAGEMENT and ORGANISATION Project manager is responisible for coordination between all partisipant Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
MONITORING and EVALUATING After each activity Monthly quarterly Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Reflections on the programme Expectations – then new knowladge and skiills –Planing –Managment project –enviromental View best practice Relationship Take experience from another participants Expectations – now View best practice improving skills More Relationship friendship Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Specific things I learned from my colleagues they deside simular problem 2. what found use 3. cultural in another countries Etc.. Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Specific things I learned from the period in Sweden 1, approach 2, matrix 3, pasive house Etc.. Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
How I have shared my experience in Sweden with my colleagues at work 1, prasentation 2, access to materials Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Successes and challenges: Changes I have been able to effect in my own work, and within my organization: changed point of view on problems Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
What I wish had been different 1,more time with coucher 2,shortly repeat day before Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011
Thank you for your attention! Local Environmental Management in Urban Areas - Skopje 2011