Understanding and mapping the changing social geography of our cities Dr Dan Vickers, Social and Spatial Inequalities Group, Department of Geography, University of Sheffield shef.ac.uk/sasi
06/04/2014© The University of Sheffield Contents Social Geography of the City: Examining the facts Bringing the facts to life Understanding the city
Social Geography of the City: Examining the facts
06/04/2014© The University of Sheffield
06/04/2014© The University of Sheffield
Maps and graphs taken from: A Tale of Two Cities: The Sheffield Project Available Online: shef.ac.uk/sasi 06/04/2014© The University of Sheffield
Poverty and Wealth Breadline poverty in Sheffield Neighbourhoods in 2001
Index of Multiple Deprivation 2007
Average KS1 score 2006–2007
Life expectancy 1997–2001, all people
Low birth weight per 1,000 live births 2002–2006
Average number of decayed, missing or filled teeth in children aged 5yrs 2003–2004
Bringing the facts to life
Sheffield: Who Lives Where?
Poverty and Wealth Breadline poverty in Sheffield Neighbourhoods in 2001
Understanding the city
06/04/2014© The University of Sheffield
National Statistics Output Area Classification: areaclassification.org.uk
06/04/2014© The University of Sheffield 1: Blue Collar Communities
06/04/2014© The University of Sheffield 2: City Living
06/04/2014© The University of Sheffield 3: Countryside
06/04/2014© The University of Sheffield 4: Prospering Suburbs
06/04/2014© The University of Sheffield 5: Constrained by Circumstances
06/04/2014© The University of Sheffield 6: Typical Traits
06/04/2014© The University of Sheffield 7: Multicultural