Electronic Port Clearance Presented by Stian Ruud/DNV FARGIS Conference 26. February 2002
Request in 2000 from Maritime and Port Authorities of Singapore (MPA): Automatic Transfer of Certificate Status Data from DNV to Port Clearance System -‘MARINET’ Electronic Port Clearance
FARGIS User Conference 2000 : Lars Nedland, Capt. DFDS Tor Line stated: The number of reports required in shipping are too many!!! Different Reports Different Receivers Different Transmissions Different Forms Different Languages Different Time Schedules etc. Electronic Port Clearance
MOU between Singapore and Norway
EPC should contribute to Reduce total amount of messages (both written and oral) Automatic/electronic handling of information Reduce number of forms Increase the information access Reduce access time Increase transparency Increase information quality International standardisation of procedures and electronic exchange Electronic Port Clearance
Principles to be used to obtain the above: Information based on standardised messages Information is issued by it's source on request Electronic exchange of information Information should be quality assured and properly verified Electronic Port Clearance XML-messages
EPC project organisation DNV OsloDNV Singapore VTM Products Norwegian Coast Directorate EPM Technology MARINTEK IUM DFDS/ Tor Line MPA NOL Singapore Polytechnic Norwegian project Singaporean project
Electronic Port Clearance demonstration 1) Notification message 2) Imo number 3) Certificate status 6) Port clearance number (GDV) Vessel Traffic Management Central Pilot request/scheduling Port Clearance Officer 5) Port Clearance Number 4) Request/ information 7) Pilot enters ship Inspection Office NOR/NIS SIRENAC EQUASIS SIRE Coastal Directorate Maritime Directorate
Notification Message from ship (NOTMSG) IMO No Last Port of Departure Port of Arrival Next Port of Arrival ETA (date and Time) Position in port Actual draught Total Cargo No of Crew No of Passengers
Advance Port Clearance procedure proposed in Norway
Request for certificate status
Certificate status from DNV
Ship data from DNV
Certificate status data from DNV
ISO TC184/SC4 Ship Common Model -> XML tags S EXPRESS ISO TC184/SC4 EXPRESS ShipCommonModel ENTITY Ship_particulars; IMO_number:... END; S XML XML messages XML tags EXPRESS data model Ship particulars data
Part of C-message in XML with STEP tags LJKL STENA ALEXITA DNV NOR
What has been achieved in EPC? An electronic notification /XML message system has been developed and tested successfully Near real time checking by authorities of certificate status has been tested The Ship Application protocols EXPRESS models (ISO TC184/SC4) and UN-EDIFACT models have been successfully used for preparation of XML messages.
Future work Extended test period including improvements The EPC demonstrator should also work for other class societies A common international procedure for electronic notification message and electronic port clearance procedure will probably be required An international standardisation body for ship to shore electronic messages should be selected by the industry (ISO TC184/SC4 is a candidate) Information exchange security to be handled