Toward Reform: Red States and Blue States Unit 3: AP Gov
11.6 United or Divided? Increasing partisan divisions Northern liberal Republicans and southern conservative Democrats have become rare Parties have retreated in opposite directions Effect on Americans? Unclear if Americans are equally polarized
11.6 Causes of Polarization Geographic divide “The United States of Canada” to the north “Jesusland” to the south Stereotypes of political identifiers Republicans = NASCAR Democrats = Starbucks Wedge issues “Guns, God, and gays” Abortion, gay marriage
11.6 Consequences of Polarization Congress Least productive in history Lack of moderates, lower incentive to compromise Consequences to electorate Forcing moderate electorate to choose between extremes may increase voter apathy
Video: So What? IA_1/polisci/presidency/OConner_Ch11_Political_Parties_S eg6_v2.html
The Last Word: Assignment 6 due Monday; Collaborize due Mon. Consider: Why does it matter more that we are polarized NOW than perhaps in the past?