Mapping images the digital way ICT - Mapping images the digital way Workshop (IT) 18 - KS1-3 Wendy North, Primary Curriculum Project Leader, Geographical Association and Kate Russell, Senior Adviser for Geography, Staffordshire LA An introduction to online mapping and digital image galleries. Mapping the location of images can now be done using a number of free web based programmes including Geograph, Picasa and Flickr. Explore how you can use these programmes to create a 'My Walks' or alternative geo-located project. Presented by GA ICTWG
Project 1: Find images of your local area/ find images of a world city Geograph Panoramio Flickr Delicious: Primary Geography bookmarks
The Reynolds Building University of Manchester
Panoramio The Thames and the City of London
Flickr Flickr search under Creative Commons 1.Type your search into the box 2.This brings up first set of results. 3.Next click advanced search.
search under Creative Commons Scroll down the page until you come to the Creative Commons section. Tick the box and then click search.
Project 1: Find images of your local area/ find images of a world city Which websites did you find most useful? – for local images? – for world images?
Project 2: Creating a `My Walks Using Google My Maps 1.Create a Google account 2.Locate the place where you want to create your map. 3.Create your route (see the next pages for a guide to creating maps using Google My Maps) 4.Add images from online photo-galleries Two potential sources of images: Those put on the web by other people – UK only – Geograph – World (including UK) Panoramio, Flickr (others – see book-marks on Delicious) Those that you add yourself to galleries that you create Find bookmarks at:
Create a Google Account
WORKING WITH GOOGLE `MY MAPS Click onto Google Maps Look for the tab that says My Maps` and then click: `Create new map. At this stage you will need to log-in. You can do this with your log-on details for a pre-existing Google account or create a new account. At first sight you have less accessible tools than with Quikmaps. To gain access to this pre-created map I also have to click EDIT
CLICK on a place-marker icon to activate it and then click again on the spot where you want the icon to sit. A text box opens – choose Rich Text and a menu Add a place marker – click on icon Decide where you want the icon and click again f9560e6bca852935&t=h&z=14
Clicking here enables you to select a different icon. It is also possible to add images into My Maps – see below for how to do this. Add text to the box – Select the Rich Text tab. This will allow you to customize the text and add links and pictures using the text tools.
Add an image – this can only be done by creating a link to an online image gallery. The majority of photographs on `My Walk – Thornes Wakefield are stored on: al al Though Ive added one photograph from the Geograph gallery, e.g. see the yacht symbol. Geograph is a useful website to know about as it contains images for every square kilometre in the UK. The
An important step when adding an image to your Google My Map is to make sure you add the URL for the location of the image itself. (Not for the full page.) To do this: Open up the image from the gallery on your screen Right click and choose `copy image location (Firefox) OR Right click and choose `properties. Copy the URL for the image that is shown on the message flag. (Internet Explorer) Paste the URL into the small box that appears when you click on insert image icon within Google My Maps. Internet ExplorerFirefox
Finally – good luck and dont forget to share your creations with other geographers f9560e6bca852935&t=h&z=14
Source of images for adding to your Google Map Those put onto the web by other people – UK – Geograph, Panoramio – World (including UK) Panoramio, Flickr (others – see book- marks on Delicious) Those that you add yourself to your own galleries – Picasa or Panoramio (free) – also see some of other photo- galleries on Delicious book marks – Flickr (free – but if you want to sort images into sets you need to pay)
My Walks Northumbria University
My Walks Northumbria University Advantages Add photographs, document, text, video, sound that are stored on your own computer rather than online. Schools are beginning to use it and you can see a list of the walks or view their location on a Google Map. Disadvantages It is still early days and some walks are not fully described, i.e. They are simply a line of markers without text or images to describe the walk
Create a `My walks map for your local area or somewhere else you know well. How might you use this activity with your children/ students? Project 2: Creating a `My Walks
Project 3: Geo-locating Images using PICASA Create a Google Account Open Picasa Import images (say 6 London pictures) Edit photos (if needed) using simple image editing tools. Send to web gallery. Map location
Picasa -
Picasa Starter web-galleries: ggerahSydneyAndManly# ggerahSydneyAndManly# anchester# anchester#
Adopt, Adapt, Innovate How might you use digital image galleries and online mapping with your children/ students?
Another map web-site fro you to explore
Some people prefer Live Local to Google Maps – try them both to see which you prefer for your local area.