In the movie GATTACA, parents are allowed to select which traits their babies will have. The more desirable the trait, the more it costs. Is this OK? Why or why not. What if you were poor?
Also in the movie GATTACA, a person’s DNA profile determines what kind of job they can receive. Obviously, people whose genes allow them to be smart, get the high paying jobs and people whose genes allow them superior strength and agility get to be professional athletes. Those with ordinary genetic profiles, called “DE-GENE- ERATES” can only work menial jobs. Is this OK? Why or why not? Is this different than what we do now?
How would you feel if you were a “DE- GENE-ERATE”?
Is it OK for employers to screen prospective employees DNA to see if they are are suited for a particular job? Is this different then screening for drugs?
Would you want to know the age at which you were going to die, or the likelihood of contracting certain diseases?
Would it be OK to clone some of Albert Einsteins DNA and clone him 100 times and allow those clones to work on the world’s greatest problems? What about cloning 5 Michael Jordans to play on our Olympic team? What if the project cost 50 billion dollars? What if the Einstein clones don’t want to do the work?
Would it be Ok to take dinosaur DNA and clone extinct dinosaurs from it? What about the possibility of new diseases? Would it be OK for a billionaire hunter to do this so that he could hunt them?
Would it be OK to clone an army of perfect soldiers? If these soldiers are sent to die to defend you, how is that different that a clone donating organs to save your life?
If a woman could go to the doctor and say that she wanted to become pregnant with a male baby who has white skin, a high IQ and will grow to be about 6 feet tall would that be OK? This is possible right now. Women can order sperm donated from men with specific traits although currently there are no guarantees.
If you only had ten days to live and your only hope was to receive a liver donated from a clone, would you want the liver? What if the clone had to die? What if the clone would live but would need to live in a nursing home afterwards?
What do you think Hitler would be like if he were cloned today? What about Mozart?