Tom Luczak
Survey results As an environmental consultant, I went around and surveyed 15 households about their water consumption and their efforts to save Melbourne’s water and I got these results: (next slide)
Survey results (cont.)
What this means These survey results show that people in Melbourne are different in terms of their water consumption. Some feel passionate about saving water, while others don’t bother about it. I myself would prefer a more water efficient Melbourne and that is what I will try to talk about in my new water policy for the Greater Melbourne Region of 2050.
Water policy Hello there fellow Melbournians. I am here to tell you about my new water policy for the Greater Region of Melbourne in Seeing as you are all different in terms of how you use water, I have altered the policy to fit most people’s needs, as well as balancing it in with the environment. Policy: Melbournians must only use a moderate amount of water, no more than 145 litres a day. There will be a limit for showers, (4 minutes). Melbournians should be interested in saving water and must make at least some effort every year. As long as you make some effort to save water you are fine and should be fine and will be fine with the policy. The government is concerned with the amount of water being used, but if everyone follows this policy then maybe Melbourne will be a better place in terms of living and we will always have a good water supply.
Good luck To all Melbournians, good luck with the new policy and hopefully Melbourne will improve in terms of water consumption and water use.
Bibliography unknown. (unknown). How to write a policy. Available: ples1/a/how_to_policy_2.htm. Last accessed 17/9/10. unknown. (unknown). unknown. Available: Last accessed 17/9/10.