Kay’s Sweet Cakes By: Samantha Gray
Reducing Carbon Footprints Turn off all of the equipment used for baking Find energy efficient ovens Limiting the water by turn it off after you wash the dishes to make the cake carbon footprint video.htm
How much world does in carbon footprints?
Facts on Carbon Footprints Walk & cycle more Turn electrical items off at the wall Use public transport Only buy what you need Recycle as much as you can Turn the central heating down by 1°. This will cut your gas bill by £60 and reduce the carbon footprint by 342kg. Try washing clothes at 30°C. By doing 2 washes per week at 30°C, you will save £19 and 80kg of Co2. Check that you have the correct tire pressure for your car. This could increase your fuel efficiency by 3% and save up to 115kg of Co2.
Fill the kettle with only enough water to make the drinks you need. Switch to low energy lighting. This in turn, could save £96 and 430kg of Co2. Turn down the thermostat on your hot water. If you need to add cold water to have a bath or do the washing, then it's most likely too hot. This could save a further £60 and 342kg of Co2. Use a washing line for half the amount of time, instead of a tumble dryer. This will save £36 and 150kg of Co2. Defrost the fridge and freezer to make them more efficient. Turn your PC off at night. This could save 63kg of Co2. Shop for local food produce. This could save an amazing 1,825kg of Co2. Unplug all chargers once the unit is fully charged, or use a solar battery charger. Save water by showering more and bathing less. The average bath uses 80 liters of water whereas a 5-minute shower will only use around 25 liters. Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth. This will save between liters of water each time.
What is the effect of the reducing the carbon footprint in a company? 1.global warming will go down just a little bit 1. the company will be cheaper with energy efficient stuff 2. Global warming is a big issue in our world 3. the more company like Kay’s sweet cakes reduce to energy saving technology will make more money
Works Cited "Energy efficient ovens." Eco Home Resource. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May "The Nature Conservancy: Offset your carbon footprint in the fight against climate change." The Nature Conservancy:. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May "Carbon Footprint." Trinity College. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May <