Review: Key points Month 7 Shock and Awe team is the group of people talented in Technology, Drama, Dance, etc. to produce a cutting edge service for your size church. Technology includes a sharp sound Technology means sharp video during, behind and where ever needed to move the audience towards the message or music Technology incorporates lighting to change the ambiance Technology requires computer and LCD Experts.
Month 8 How to Conquer Your City: The law of impacting your target audience.
The Importance of Outreach But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8
The Great Commission – GO...pursue the lost – EVANGELIZE...the lost – EDIFY...the saved
Outreach is... 10% of budget set aside to reach the lost Evangelism
Outreach is... Foreign Missions Make special drive to create burden Meeting needs in the local community And overseas. Denominational Tithe is Missions and is Raised as such!
Relative Importance of Outreach Factors that influence a person to visit a church once are very different from those that influence them to visit again. Keeping them... Assimilation Getting them there... Outreach
Invite The difference between a growing and a dying church is the word — invite!
How are we reaching into the community = Missional Going into the world
Why Did You Join The Church That You Did? 6-8% Walked on own initiative 2-3% Liked the program 8-10% Liked the Pastor 3-4% Had a need 1-2% Were Evangelized 3-4% Attracted by Sunday School 70-80% Invited by relative or friend
Outreach vs. Ingrown Application base vs.Sermon based Mission focusvs.Nurture focus Community forcevs. Community fortress
Outreach vs. Ingrown Monday–Monday vs. Sunday based Facilitating staff vs. Ministering staff NOTE: Sunday based churches are dying churches. Most of your labor should be focused on what’s happening throughout the week.
Outreach Facts 83% of persons active in church come by a friend or relative. Average church members can identify 7 unchurched friends. 34% of those non-active would come if invited by a friend. 83% of persons active in church come by a friend or relative. Average church members can identify 7 unchurched friends. 34% of those non-active would come if invited by a friend.
Jesus’ vision and outreach strategy
Luke 4:18-19 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are downtrodden, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord."(NAS)
What is your vision statement for your church? e.g. “To reach this generation through the next generation using bus ministry and drama.”
What OUTREACH steps need to be taken to fulfill this vision? e.g. If you use the above vision example you would need to start a bus ministry and a children’s drama to get children from the city into the church.
Remember in growing churches, 10% of last year’s annual income is set aside for this year’s outreach to the lost. E.g. if your church took in $100,000 last year, then $10,000 will need to be spent on outreach this year.
NOTE: If a church does not put money aside to reach the lost it normally will not reach the lost
If 80% of those who come to church come because a friend in the church invited them, then what can we do to encourage more invitations to happen?
Church Advertising Newspapers (not on the church page) Direct mailing Dial ups Radio (most effective) Yellow pages (a must for new people) Pentecostal section
Church Advertising Charismatic section Interdenominational section Church sign Billboards Transit advertising
Additional Staff The first person hired after the pastor should be...
Additional Staff Children and or Outreach...then vs. now
Evangelism past and present Confrontational evangelism vs. Relational evangelism Confrontational evangelism vs. Relational evangelism
Evangelism past and present Hard sell vs. Soft sell Hard sell vs. Soft sell
Evangelism past and present Guilt-driven vs. Love driven Guilt-driven vs. Love driven
Evangelism past and present Door-to-door vs. Friend-to-friend
Evangelism past and present Event-oriented vs. Process-oriented Event-oriented vs. Process-oriented
Evangelism past and present Yearly revival vs. Ongoing lifestyle Yearly revival vs. Ongoing lifestyle
Evangelism past and present Tracts vs. Multi-media
Evangelism past and present Evangelistic Bible studies vs 12 Step Groups
In Small Churches, targeting an individual prospect or family one at a time is most effective. Families in the church submit prospective names and the church prays for them
The hottest prospects are contacted by their friends/family in the church Inviting this prospect to an activity they will most likely attend and through which the church family can befriend this new prospect THIS IS BETTER DONE BY “BACK END “ CONTACTING TEAM – “pullers”
In Larger Churches, targeting a person or family to reach by the church can be done. However, another method seems more successful.
The church needs to come up with activities that give it members reason to invite their unchurched friends back to church.
I recommend three to four main church events each year (Easter, Fourth of July, Fall days and Christmas). These four events can generate a lot of visitors if done correctly.
Get as many people involved as possible, especially those from your target audience. Make sure much excitement is generated through announcements for this event Do not make the mistake of having the event in the evening rather than as part of your Sunday morning service.
One significant Activity each month. Not as large as the three or four main events Exciting enough to encourage the congregation to invite their friends and family – Baptisms – Weddings – Memorials – Baby Dedications
Remember children are still the easiest way of reaching families and winning lost souls. – Royal Ranger’s badges – Hand-bell choirs – Children talents – Etc.
Barna’s study shows that women are still more likely to come to church and support your ministry.
Remember Donald McGavran says a growing church will need to have as many people involved in outreach as are involved in all other activities inside the church.
Jesus did outreach first and discipleship along the way.
8th Month Summary 10 % of churches budget to reach your city (missions and denominational funds raised above general giving) Most people come to your church because they have friends or family there. Use activities to invite family and friends to come and support their friends Use 4 big days for major outreach activities to double your church those days Use baptism, baby dedications etc Have soul winning teams Have mission drives to grow the church
Next Month 9 9.The Larger Outreach: The 4 Big Events & Ministry Events. How to use big events effectively to get people to come back