Biology CPD Presentation
Aims To supplement previously published information about the internal assessment of Biology Units at National 3, 4 and 5 To raise awareness of Common Questions and Key Messages Reports To highlight updates to Unit Assessment Support Packs (UASPs), thus providing further clarification about the assessment of Assessment Standards (AS) 2.1 & 2.4 To outline the external verification process Using exemplification, to help develop a shared understanding of national standards for Outcome 1 reports, A S 2.2/2.3 reports, and N4 Added Value reports
Outline of event Registration Welcome and outline for event Overview of Internal Assessment in Biology Common Questions Key messages from verification UASPs: how to use the SQA UASPs, updating of UASPs Understanding the verification process and associated documentation Exemplification from verification Plenary Session
Unit Structure
Biology Units - Key points Standards remain the same Have a hierarchical Unit structure that provide progression from National 3 to National 5, then articulate with Higher Biology and Higher Human Biology All Units from National 3 to AHigher in all Sciences have (almost) same Outcomes and Assessment Standards (apart from N4 Added Value Unit); differentiation is through the evidence requirements Added value assessment increases personalisation and choice in the Biology assignment at National 4
Outcome 1: National 5 The learner will: Apply skills of scientific inquiry and draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of this Unit to carry out an experiment/practical investigation by: 1.1Planning an experiment/practical investigation 1.2Following procedures safely 1.3Making and recording observations/measurements accurately 1.4Presenting results in an appropriate format 1.5Drawing valid conclusions 1.6Evaluating experimental procedures
Outcome 2: National 5 The learner will: Draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of this Unit and apply scientific skills by: 2.1 Making accurate statements 2.2Describing an application 2.3Describing a biological issue in terms of the effect on the environment / society 2.4Solving problems
Common questions Located on CfE “landing page” for Biology - Updated monthly
Key Messages Biology Key Messages report can be found on the subject level pages. Biology - SQA Generic Key Messages New NQ Quality Assurance Models - SQA - SQA
Assessment Standards 2.1 & 2.4 UASPs now update and available on SQA secure website Candidates should be given credit for each correct response In order to decide whether candidates have achieved 50% in AS 2.1, the success criterion is 50% of the number of correct responses, not 50% of the crosses on the assessment grid
Transfer of evidence across Units “Since the Outcomes and Assessment Standards are the same for all Units of the Course, evidence for Outcome 1 and Assessment Standards 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 for one Unit in this Course can be used as evidence of the achievement of Outcome 1 and Assessment Standards 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 in the other Units of this Course. The Units differ only by context.”
Judging evidence Standards remain the same Assessment judgements information is contained in UASPs Internal quality assurance essential if all candidates are to be assessed fairly and consistently to national standards -> “every centre is responsible for operating an effective and documented internal quality assurance system”
Internal quality assurance within centres Guidance located at: eforSQAcentres.pdf eforSQAcentres.pdf Internal verification policies and practice should include: 1.Checking assessment instruments to ensure validity 2.Standardisation exercises 3.Sampling assessment decisions 4.Maintaining assessment and verification records
External verification Centres selected for external verification send internally assessed material to SQA for external verification 12 candidates 4 candidates per level at 3 different levels (if possible) Same Unit at all 3 levels Must also include N4 Added Value Unit, if there is sufficient evidence for this Unit To exemplify a range of candidate performance and assessment judgements
External Verification continued 2013/14 – 3 rounds of verification (Nov/ Dec, Feb, May) – The third round, focused on verifying the Added Value Unit 2014/15: – Round 1: understanding standards events with Nominees – Round 2: focus on Unit assessment – Round 3: focus on Added Value Unit
External Verification continued External verification considers the centre’s Approaches to assessment Assessment judgements (and therefore effectiveness of internal verification policies) Intended to be supportive and developmental Highlight good practice Provide detailed and constructive advice External verification outcomes: Accepted / Accepted with recommendations / Not Accepted Not Accepted -> hold will be placed on certification until all verification issues have been resolved
2.2Describing an application 2.3Describing a biological issue in terms of the effect on the environment/society In this assessment activity you should produce a short report, of 50–100 words, which covers both Assessment Standards 2.2 and 2.3. There is no penalty for going outwith this word count. You should: with guidance from your assessor, select an application of biology to investigate from a key area of this Unit describe the use of the application and consider its effect on the environment/society produce a short report
Evidence requirements Assessment Standard 2.2 the application is stated the application is related to a key area of the course appropriate biology knowledge is used to describe the application Assessment Standard 2.3 the biological issue is stated the issue is related to a key area of the course appropriate biology knowledge is used to describe its effect on society / environment
National 4 Added Value Unit