Art /7th Lesson Plans Teachers: DeLaCruz
Unit TEKS: (RS/SS) 1. Perception. *(a) illustrate ideas from direct observation, imagination, personal experience, and school and community. 2. Creative expression/Performance *(a) create artworks based on direct observations, personal experience, and imagination; *(b) incorporate design into artworks for use in everyday life *(c) produce artwork using a variety of art materials and tools in traditional and experimental ways. 4. Response/evaluation * (a) analyze and compare relationships, such as function and meaning in personal artworks. (b) analyze original artworks to form conclusions about formal properties, historical and cultural contexts, and intent.
1. A illustrate ideas from direct observation, imagination, personal experience, and school and community. 2. A create artworks based on direct observations, personal experience, and imagination;, c produce artwork using a variety of art materials and tools in traditional and experimental ways Art Vocabulary: Proportion Proportional scale. Dimensions. Teacher Observation Students will learn how to do proportional scale method drawing. How to accurately draw any picture using the grid method. Practice Drawing at home Subject DATE: 9/23/13 SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXX Homework Essential Question? How can you accurately double your drawing?
1. A illustrate ideas from direct observation, imagination, personal experience, and school and community. 2.A create artworks based on direct observations, personal experience, and imagination;, c produce artwork using a variety of art materials and tools in traditional and experimental ways Art Vocabulary: Scale Scale method drawing. Drawing Dimensions. Students will then transfer their drawing ( double) onto big drawing paper. Practice Drawing at home Subject DATE: 9/24/13 SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXX Homework Essential Question? What is the purpose of the grid method?
1. A illustrate ideas from direct observation, imagination, personal experience, and school and community. 2.A create artworks based on direct observations, personal experience, and imagination;, c produce artwork using a variety of art materials and tools in traditional and experimental ways Art Vocabulary: Grid Method TPS. Teacher observation. Grid method. Students will finish the drawing. And now they will shade accurately. Practice Drawing at home Subject DATE: 9/25/13 SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXX Homework Essential Question? What is the importance of the value scale and how does it accurately shape an object?
1. A illustrate ideas from direct observation, imagination, personal experience, and school and community. 2.A create artworks based on direct observations, personal experience, and imagination;, c produce artwork using a variety of art materials and tools in traditional and experimental ways Art Vocabulary: Portrait side Teacher observation. Grid method. Students will finish their project. Stu’s will switch their grid drawing with someone else and draw from that person grid method. Practice Drawing at home Subject DATE: 9/26/13 SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXX Homework Essential Question? How else can you use the grid method?
1. A illustrate ideas from direct observation, imagination, personal experience, and school and community. 2.A create artworks based on direct observations, personal experience, and imagination;, c produce artwork using a variety of art materials and tools in traditional and experimental ways. 4. Response/evaluation * (a) analyze and compare relationships, such as function and meaning in personal artworks. Art Vocabulary: Art quiz #1-10 Teacher Observation Vocabulary Quiz. Think, plan, write about a famous artwork. Finish with Origami. Practice Drawing at home Subject DATE: 9/27/13 SEWARM-UPActivity Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXXX Homework Essential Question? What are the elements of art and how are they use to create an artwork?