Satellite image: NASA
How do we inform ourselves about this area of learning? What learning activities will our children engage with? What actions can we take?
What focus? Environmental Impact & Sustainability Interdependence & Connectedness People, Culture & Diversity Hook - take a virtual journey, e.g. through a rainforest environment Find out more: Where? Why here and not there? What makes it special? Issue: who gains and who loses? Why might this matter to me? Take Action: What are people doing about it? What can I do? What is it like here? (Use, story, picture books, sense impressions, drama to explore) [PLACE] Ask & answer questions such as: What would it be like to live here/ visit? Have a definite concluding activity for the project that can be shared with others. Know that you are not alone in taking action – hundreds/ thousands of other people worldwide are trying to do something about this issue (MDGs). Use P4C/ Community of enquiry to explore this issue Research Explore & map (SPACE), use Google Earth Explore through picture books/ video etc TEACHING TOOLKIT Sense impressions 5 Ws Making pairs Most Likely to... Living Graphs Start with a photo Using Artefacts Google Maps (Earth) Quikmaps/ Scribble Maps Further research & new enquiry Decide on your personal actions Involve children in evaluation What will we do? What will the children do?
Personal & prior experience The experience of others - someone who's been there The work of an influential NGO/ Charity Story, picture books, photos, video, sound, artefacts, online mapping Education website, e.g. TES, online subscription libraries, Teachers TV, BBC Class Clips
How will I inform my thinking and find teaching resources about: Photos: Simon Collis /costa-rica
In 1994 I visited the Peruvian rainforest (part of a longer Peru trip) Amazon rainforest catchment area. Puerto Maldonado, Tambopata Lodge. Photo Wendy North
Among others: Tropical World – Roundhay Park Leeds world-leeds/index.html world-leeds/index.html Birmingham Botanical Garden The Living Rainforest (near J13 of M4) The Eden Project
World Wildlife Fund
the film is about logging and oil palm cultivation which is destroying the lands of the people of Sarawak – it links to the Borneo newspaper article.
/oct/24/borneo-indonesia-rainforest- illegal-logging
Searching for video clips is a very time consuming activity. WHAT YOU WANT THE VIDEO FOR? (What will it help children to feel/think?) Look for recommendations from other people.
BBC Class Clips biome/3205.html
Videos from the BBC are also available on Vimeo and You Tube Search BBC rainforest m/ m/ Rainforest Animals and Plant life in the Amazon jungle -
The opening minute is particularly useful for younger children
Search for Creative Commons licensed content:
USE A MAP Google Earth – needs downloading onto your computer Google Maps – online Resource Bing Maps CREATE A MAP Quikmaps Scribble Maps
Download from:
rce=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Manaus&sll = , &sspn= , &ie=U TF8&hq=&hnear=Manaus+- +Amazonas,+Brazil&t=h&z=8
Sue Waters Cairns Set : / /
Guided tour through the rainforest ucation_resources ucation_resources org/tour/rfc_guide.htm org/tour/rfc_guide.htm Photographs of the worlds rainforests – Nature Conservancy plore/photos.html plore/photos.html Rainforest sounds /sounds.html#Christian%20An swers%20Sounds /sounds.html#Christian%20An swers%20Sounds An interactive site from the Rainforest Alliance - match animals and plants to the layers of the rainforest. se/jewelsoftheearth/index.html se/jewelsoftheearth/index.html Living in the Guatemalan Rainforest – feels a little dated se/myworld/index.html se/myworld/index.html Stories from the Rainforest ainforest_stories ainforest_stories
Free resources from world Land Trust (sponsored by Mall) teaching- e shtm l teaching- e shtm l acher%20resources acher%20resources ARKive Videos, images and fact files of the worlds plant and animal species. Tropical rainforest animals forest/animals/Rfbio meanimals.shtml forest/animals/Rfbio meanimals.shtml
Slideshare et/ search Rain forest et/ Lots of very similar slideshows available – some by children. Generally very fact based presentations – possibly useful for images. Not the kinds of things Id want to share with years 3 & 4 – at least initially – though you might ADAPT TES Resources website SEARCH for `Rainforest then primary Very popular as fellow teachers often provides ready made resources. But be prepared to ADAPT Ask yourself: Is it clear what the teacher wants the children to learn? Is this what Im looking for? Hamilton Trust planning on the TES website – cross- curricular