SAFETY FIRST Wherever, whenever….
Program Risk assessment in general Activities Trips and tours Preventing trouble
Risk Assessment What is a risk? Answer: Anything depending on the situation What to do about risks? Answer: Take precautions or don´t do what you planned
Risk Assessment Risk assessment is an examination of what if anything in your work can cause harm. It is not about eliminating all risks - that is not possible It is about taking the necessary precautions and staying responsible in your actions as a leader It is a skill which is important when planning and it should therefore be taught to the guides
Risk Assessment Step 1: Identify the hazards Step 2: Decide who or what might be harmed and how Step 3: Assess the risks and take precautions Step 4: Evaluate after the activity or trip if you took the right precautions Step 5: Reflect and learn
Risk Assessment Program cycle: PLAN DO CHECK ACT
Risk assessment Follow the programme cycle: Plan, do, check, act Plan: choose activity and plan how to carry it out: consider practical issues but also risk assessment When planning consider the balance between dangerous activities and activities where the guides learn from their smaller mistakes – be prepared Do: do the activity if it is considered to be safe with the precautions taken
Risk Assessment Check: evaluate the activity: did anything go wrong even with the precautions taken Check: reflect upon what you and the guides can learn for next time Act: Implement the lessons learned for next time you want to do something similar – learning by doing
Risk Assessment: Activities Questions that you could consider: What kind of materials will be used? Do the guides have the right training to do the activity? If not, are there anyone who can assist? Where will the activity take place? Is safety measures at hand: 1 st aid kit, water… Are there any rules or guidelines to follow?
Risk assessment check list Name of activity 1. Materials How to make it safe? 2. Training How to make it safe? 3. Surround ings How to make it safe? 1. Learn fire extin- guishing Pot with oil, lid, Make sure that the pot is not to big, so the fire gets out of control Guides and leader have no training Ask the local fire fighters to do a training Activities usually take place in class room Move the activity to the yard 2. Rock Climbing Ropes, etc. Make sure that is new, good ropes One rover has training Take time at meetings to prepare and learn more There are different degrees of difficulty Find rocks that are suitable for beginners 3. Working with pregnant teenagers None needed Conflicts can appear Learn conflict resoultion techniques Night time in a less safe area Find a local assistent
Risk Assessment Exercise Choose three activities that you have done or plan to do, where it would have been or is appropriate to do a risk assessment analysis Use the work sheet to do the analysis Do we need to add categories to the work sheet?
Trips and tours First aid kit Contact information of parents, Contact information to police, ambulance, fire brigade Contact information of association Give contact information to guides and parents Know health problems of girls: allergies, medicine etc. Know if girls can swim if going to the water Check state of driver and means of transportation Make clear rules with the girls: e.g. no alkohol, no leaving camp Get necessary permits, passports, maps etc. Get details of the place you are going to Make sure you have or can get money for emergencies Enough responsible adults or guides who are able to cope on their own
Emergency Plan What to do when the accident has happened? First aid – stop the accident Get the full picture Get help Inform Suspension of membership Crisis management: practical, emotional, availability, follow up
Possible Guidelines How to prevent fire Doing water activities Going hiking Going climbing Handling knives, axe, saw etc. Pioneering Alkohol, smoking Social rules
Social Problems The guides could be experiencing abuse at home or when going somewhere with you Be aware of changes in behavior Be aware of unusual behavior Talk to the girl herself You are obligated to act, but choose your ways of acting carefully Act if you find that a fellow leader is acting as an abuser – the welfare of the guides is at stake as well as the image of guiding
Remember – better safe than sorry!