Celeste Doll I was born and raised in Naples, FL. I play on a co-ed soccer league. I recently started rock-climbing and am getting ready for my 1 st trip to the Gorge.
Nermina Salipur I was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia
Sarah Freshley I just ran my first mini marathon I foster dogs for GRRAND I love to read
Carrie Smith I am getting married in October. I have an energetic Boston Terrier. I love gardening!
Joyce Gerwing I have a gray car. My favorite thing to do is read. I shop for entertainment.
Jennifer Davenport I was married on Derby day 3 years ago (5/7/05). I have a wonderful son named Noah who is 2 ½ years old. I have lost 80 pounds in the past year and a half.
Jamie Ballard I don’t eat red meat or pork. I have two Schnoodles, one hates me. I love Big Red (the mascot, not the drink)
Heather Brewer I love children, but not sure if I want to have any 24/7! :) I feel like I’m at home when I’m at school! I love Sour Patch Watermelon candies!
Kasey Hamilton Celebrating 7 years of marriage on May 19 Mother to the most adorable baby ever This is the first summer in 6 years that I haven’t been working overseas
Lindsay Lurding I like to paint pottery I love spending time with my family and friends I love sour gummy worms
Wendy Smithson I have been married for 14 years. I have 2 boys. Jacob is 8 & Joshua is 9. I have a cat named Jasper and a dog named Coco.
Heather Paulsen Proud wife of Josh and mother of 2 ½ year-old, Olivia Love my hometown, Elizabethtown Hate cooking and folding/putting away laundry.
Oliver Carter My favorite color is blue (even though I’m a U of L fan) I’ve been playing drums for 8 years I’ve been to Ireland