Children aged took part in the Comenius project
Half of the Polish students are of the opinion that they would like to spend more time with their partners
2 pupils –no 28 pupils –yes
22 students – yes 8 students –no REASONS: „ the student I tried to contact didn’t answer back”
10 Polish pupils contact with 1 pupil 7 Polish pupils contact with 2 pupils 1 Polish pupil – 3 or more
2 or 3 times a week-4 pupils Once a week-2 pupils Less than that – 11 pupils REASONS: My knowledge of foreign languages isn’t good enough
30 pupils – yes
16 pupils-yes 14 pupils-no
30 pupils – yes
some students couldn’t speak English very well height the age there was no big difference
English the Internet French body language Polish German Spanish
Yes-2 pupils No-28 pupils
Was the food a problem for your exchange partner? 19 pupils – No 1 pupil – Yes Was it the first time that you had a guest from another country? 8 pupils – No 22 pupils - Yes How did your family react towards the partner? Positive –they all liked the foreign students very much. They even cried when foreign friends had to come back. Was it difficult for you to have a guest for one week? Why? 30 students - No
Were you in any way prejudiced towards the people from your partner’s country? 30 students - No Has your opinion about the people from your guest partner’s country changed after the stay? 30 students - No Did you improve your English skills? 30 students - Yes
In what activities did you take part during the week? -opening and closing ceremony -trips to Kraków and Zakopane -climbing mountains -disco -Chemistry and Physics lesson How did your schoolmates react towards the exchange students? Some schoolmates were jealous, they asked many questions about my partner.