Rookesbury Park Monday 16 th June 2014 – Friday 20 th June 2014
On the Monday… Arrive in school at normal time – with a packed lunch Bags are lined up next to the wall by year 4 (keep your lunch with you). Register with Mrs Winter outside. Medicines to be placed in a clear named bag with instructions to administer, and given to Miss Wooding. Tuck shop money to be given to Mr Hill. Children to collect a named bottle of water and a yellow hat. Children will go inside to the KS2 hall for final instructions, parents remain outside ready to wave us off if they wish.
…Monday continued! Depart at 9:30am Arrive at Rookesbury Park at 11:00am Unload coach and eat lunch! First activity…
Example itinerary… 7:15am – Wake up, wash and brush teeth, get dressed, make beds. 8:00am – Breakfast 9:00am – Get ready for your day (don’t forget your water bottle) 9:30am – First activity 11:00am – Second activity 12:30pm - Lunch
1:30pm - Third activity 3:00pm – Fourth activity 4:30pm – Free time 5:30pm – Dinner 6:30pm – Chill out/diary time 7:30pm – Evening activity begins 9:00pm – Wash, brush teeth and get ready for bed Room inspection by Mr Hill and collecting beads. 9:45pm – Quiet time and lights out! Continued…
Abseiling Archery Rock Climbing Fencing Rocket Launch Kayaking Raft Building Nocturnal Safari Possible activities Survival Team Challenge Mini Olympics Orienteering Buggy Building Cirque du JCA Camp Fire Disco
Example Menu Breakfast Fruit juice, cereal, toast or cooked breakfast. Lunch Sandwich, fruit, crisps, fruit juice, yoghurts. Dinner Cottage Pie, Vegetable Pie or Beef Casserole served with vegetable and potatoes. Chocolate pudding or fresh fruit salad.
On the Friday… 8:00am - Breakfast 9:00am – Finish packing bags and strip beds 10:00am - Final activity 12:00pm – Lunch 1:00pm – Depart 2:30pm – Arrive back at school
Adults Joining us on the trip are: Mr Hill Mr Wilson Mrs Winter Mrs Papps Miss Wooding Mrs Holtzhausen Mr Ellis Mr Hibbs Mr Lacey Mrs Lovell Miss Hamilton
Things you can’t bring… Camera Mobile Phone MP3 Players (iPods etc) Computer Games Sweets Items of value
Other info… Tuck Shop – there will be a tuck shop that runs during the week, children can bring a maximum of £5 (in a named envelope). Twitter – the school’s Twitter account will be updated regularly so please follow us for updates Kit List – this has been sent out already, please speak to us if you need another copy. Points system – children can earn points throughout the week for excellent behaviour and participation.
Other info Children will be in groups of around for their activities. They will also be placed in single-gender groups for sleeping arrangements. The children will have the opportunity to request some people they would like to share a room with and we will endeavour to make sure they are with some of their chosen friends. The children will find out about their groupings when they arrive at the centre.
Any Questions? If individual queries please speak to us afterwards. If children have questions these can be asked at the children’s meeting which we will be having in the week before the trip.