Coal as Important Raw Energy Source for Hydrogen Economy Development in Europe Józef Dubiński, General Director, Central Mining Institute - GIG, Katowice, Poland Conference of the Future of Energy in Enlarged Europe Perspectives for R&D Co-operation Warsaw 7-8 October,
Coal is of great interest because it is: Plentiful. Resource ~ 500 years (vs. gas/oil: ~100 years). Inexpensive $/GJ HHV (vs. gas at 2.5+ $/GJ). Ubiquitous. Wide geographic distribution (vs. middle east). Clean?! Gasification, esp. with sequestration, produces little gaseous emissions and a chemically stable, vitreous ash.
World Energy Consumption by Fuel Type, (Source:US DOE/EIA)
„ Green” Electricity and Hydrogen from Coal Clean Coal Technologies + CO 2 Sequestration = Green Hydrogen and Energy from Coal
European Green Electricity and Hydrogen from Coal Technology Development Area
Hypogen & Hycom
R&D Centre of Separation Technologies for Hydrogen Economy Needs Sources of the funds: Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge Coordinated Action US DOE and US EPA open solicitations European Capital Venture Private/Public Partnership
Production of Hydrogen and Electricity from Coal Division of Component Costs Conventional Gasification TechnologyHydrogen Separation Membrane Reactor Data for diagrams taken from “Production of Hydrogen and Electricity from Coal with CO2 Capture” by T.G. Kreutz et al..
ISCC - Innovative In Situ CO 2 Capture Technology for Solid Fuel Gasification
Coke - oven gas as a model gas mixture for development of advanced, low cost separation - cleaning technologies magnesium hydride as separation medium for high temperature hydrogen recovery - purification nanostructured iron for hydrogen purification - storage in cyclic reduction - oxidation process
Hydrogen : FRIENDLY, SAFE and PROFITABLE material and energy carrier Hydrogen as a reagent for hazardous waste treatment - dioxin free alternative to incinerators ( EcoSteel ) Hydrogen as energy source for biological methods of value recovery ( metal and clean water) from mine water drainage