George David Associate Professor of Radiology Medical College of Georgia
Computed Radiography (CR) Re-usable metal imaging plates replace film & cassette Uses conventional bucky & x-ray equipment
CR Exposure & Readout
CR Readout
CR Latitude Much greater latitude than screen/film Plate responds to many decades of input exposure under / overexposures unlikely Computer scales image to provide viewable densities Unlike film, receptor separate from viewer
Film Screen vs. CR Latitude CR Latitude:.01 – 100 mR 100
Digital Radiography (DR) Digital bucky Incorporated into x-ray equipment
Digital Radiography (DR) Potentially lower patient dose than CR High latitude as for CR Digital bucky fragile First DR portables coming to market
Raw Data Image Unprocessed image as read from receptor CR »Intensity data from PMT’s as a result of scanning plate with laser DR »Raw Data read directly from TFT array Not a readable diagnostic image Requires computer post- processing Specific software algorithms applied to image prior to presenting it as finished radiograph
Enhancing Raw Image (Image Segmentation) 1.Identify collimated image border 2.Separate raw radiation from anatomy 3.Apply appropriate tone- scale to anatomy LUT Done with look-up table (LUT) This process is specific to a particular body part and projection *
Look Up Table (LUT) Converts a raw data pixel value to a processed pixel value “Original” raw data pixel value indicates amount of radiation falling on pixel
Image Segmentation Computer must establish location of collimated border of image Computer then defines anatomic region Finished image produced by tone scaling Requires histogram analysis of anatomic region
Histogram Graph showing how much of image is exposed at various levels
Film/Screen Limited Latitude Film use has little ambiguity about proper radiation exposure
Should I Worry? In CR & DR, image density is no longer a reliable indicator of exposure factor control.
Almost impossible to under or overexpose CR / DR Underexposures look noisy Overexposures look GOOD!!! CR / DR Latitude DANGER Will Robinson!!!
If adult technique used on peds patients, images look GOOD! If grid removed for ped patient & grid technique used, image looks GOOD NO ONE COMPLAINS CR / DR Latitude More DANGER
Exposure Creep Exposure Creep: Tendency of radiographs toward higher-then-necessary exposures High doses have no detrimental effect on image quality Desire to see less noise on radiographs Increased exposure latitude
So how do I judge the exposure if I can’t tell by looking at the image?
Exposure Index Each manufacturer provides exposure feedback to technologist Displayed on CR reader monitor Displayed on workstations
Exposure Index Measure of radiation received by receptor below anatomy Not a direct measure of patient exposure If exposure index higher than necessary, patient overexposed
Displayed Exposure Index Affected by X-Ray technique selection Improper centering of image on cassette Improper selection of study or projection Placing two or more views on same cassette Can cause image to appear dark
Exposure Indication Varies between Manufacturers Receptor Exposure Kodak EI Fuji S Number Fuji “S” number goes down as exposure goes up! S is half when exposure doubled Kodak Logarithmic scale EI goes up 300 when exposure doubled
Exposure Index is Logrithmic EI = * log(exposure) Doubling
Initial Set-up for Exposure Index Kodak recommendation for exposure index: 1800 – 2200 Manual technique: Technologist should strive to keep exposure index consistent Phototiming: Set-up by service & physics according to manufacturer’s instructions
Imaging is NOT a Beauty Contest CR/DR exposure should be selected to provide “Maximum tolerable noise” Keeps dose as low as possible (ALARA) Noise tolerance depends on study & objective. Technologist requires noise feedback from radiologists
Phototimed Phantom Image 75 kVp 88 mAs 2460 EI
Let’s Approximately Double mAs 75 kVp 88 mAs 2460 EI 75 kVp 160 mAs 2680 EI
Let’s Go Crazy 75 kVp 88 mAs 2460 EI 75 kVp 640 mAs 3300 EI
How Low Can You Go? Cut mAs in Half! 75 kVp 88 mAs 2460 EI 75 kVp 40 mAs 2060 EI
Let’s Go Crazy Low 75 kVp 8 mAs 1380 EI 75 kVp 1 mAs 550 EI
Fluoroscopy Doses Beam time Geometry Application of features
Last Image Hold Computer displays last fluoro image before radiation shut off. Image noisier than for digital spot Image made at fluoroscopic technique / intensity Less radiation than digital spot Allows operator to review static processes while beam off ideal for teaching ideal for orthopedic applications such as hip pinning
Fluoro Frame Averaging Computer averages current with user-selectable number of previous frames Averages current frame & history Conventional fluoro only displays current frame
Fluoro Frame Averaging Tradeoff Advantage: Reduces quantum noise Disadvantage Because history frames are averaged with current frame, any motion can result in lag
Fluoro Frame Rates Many systems allow option of using lower frame rates 15, 7.5, 3.75 fps rather than 30 computer displays last frame until next one »reduces flicker Most implementations lower patient & scatter exposure Exposure proportional to frame rate dynamic studies may be jumpy
CT Patient Dose Tube rotates around patient during study Dose distribution different than radiography Patient
USA Today 6/19/2001 “Each year, about 1.6 million children in the USA get CT scans to the head and abdomen — and about 1,500 of those will die later in life of radiation-induced cancer, according to research out today.”
Biggest Question about CT Doses? Appropriateness of Study
Pediatric Color Coding Broselow-Luten Pediatric System Based on child’s size & weight Used in ER’s for Resuscitation & support apparatus Medications IV fluids
Pediatric Color Coding In CT Slightly modified Broselow-Luten Pediatric System Color code is used to determine complex CT protocols Contrast options Scanner protocols Multi-slice has even greater variety of options »Detector configuration »Gantry rotation speed »Table speed Color coding significantly reduces protocol errors
CT Dose depends on kVp mA time pitch filtration noise detector efficiency matrix resolution reconstruction algorithm X-Ray Beam Image Quality & Processing Selections
CT Contrast Resolution Depends on Noise Noise is function of mA
CT Dose Measurement Lucite phantom 5 holes One center Four 90 o apart in periphery Chamber placed in one hole Lucite plugs placed in remaining 4 holes Slice centered on phantom Plugs Chamber
Measuring CT Dose Index CTDI “Pencil” ion chamber used Pencil oriented in “Z” direction Dose Phantom Hole for Chamber Chamber Active Chamber Area (exposed area of chamber) Z Z Slice
CTDI 100 Measurement made with 100 mm chamber Includes scatter tails Dose Phantom Chamber Z 100 mm Slice
CTDI W Weighted average of center & peripheral measurements Represents “average” dose in scan plane CTDi P CTDI C CTDI W = 1/3 CTDI 100-center + 2/3 CTDI 100-periphery
Beam Pitch Table motion in one rotation Beam Pitch = Beam thickness Table motion in one rotation Beam Thickness
Beam Pitch Beam Pitch = 1 Beam Pitch > 1 Table motion in one rotation Beam Pitch = Beam thickness
CT Beam Pitch Beam Pitch: 0.75 Beam Pitch: 1.5
Beam Pitch & CT Dose Dose inversely proportional to pitch table motion during one rotation Beam Pitch = Beam thickness Smaller pitch Higher dose Higher pitch Lower dose
Definition of CTDI vol CTDI vol = CTDI w / Pitch Table motion in one rotation Beam Pitch = Beam thickness
Dose Length Product DLP CTDI vol * length of scan (in mGy*cm) Reported on many scanners
CT Dose Tradeoff More dose required to improve noise for same spatial resolution Resolution Noise Dose Noise
CT Dose Reduction Reduce mAs Increases image noise Noise inversely proportional to square root of dose Proper technique is maximum tolerable noise as determined by radiologist
CT Noise Reduction: Increase Slice Width more photons detected per voxel BUT More partial volume effect more different tissue types in each voxel
CT Phototiming Allow operator to specify image quality Noise IndexGE nomenclature: “Noise Index” Modulate mA as tube rotates around patient Patient moves through gantry Goal: keep photon flux to detector constant during study
Rotational Beam Modulation Operator specifies maximum mA mA reduced as tube rotates around patient to provide only as radiation as needed
Z-axis Beam Modulation Scanner determines changes in attenuation along z-axis from scout study mA changed as patient moves through gantry
CT Beam Modulation Note more variation in mA during tube rotation in thorax than in abdomen.
CT is High Dose Modality CT head dose fairly uniform For body CT, surface doses approximately 2X dose at center ~ 4 rads ~ 2 rads
Effective Dose “Manufactured” quantity Calculated by multiplying actual organ doses by “risk weighting factors” Units: Rem »= 1 rad for x-rays Sievert »= 1 Gray for x-rays
Effective Dose Weighting Factors Tissue / Organ Weighting Factor Gonads.20 Bone marrow.12 Colon.12 Lung.12 Stomach.12 Bladder.05 Tissue / Organ Weighting Factor Liver.05 Esophagus.05 Thyroid.05 Skin.01 Bone Surface.01 Remainder.05
Effective Dose Represents single dose to entire body that gives same cancer risk Allows comparison of different non- uniform exposures 1 mSv (thyroid) 2 mSv (lung) 0.29 mSv (whole body) = (2 mSv X 0.12) + 1 mSv X 0.05) = 0.29 mSv
Effective Doses for Various Studies
The End ?